R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Just noticed looking at this but the top of the legs also have the rounded R15 look:
They should be flat:
Minor nitpick but will definitely mess with some older pants-shirts combos lol.


Sure, let me set up a station so they’re properly aligned as well.


At this point I’m not surprised if they’re just intentionally ruining the “recreation” of R6 to make way for R15 and their terrifying realistic-looking body types


The scaling is really bad. It was already like this around a month ago, but I assumed they would fix it for the release. But apparently not.


They’re working on it, I actually provided them with some better scaling code. Ideally there should be no scaling logic kicking in when the avatar proportions are already fitted to classic avatars. It’s more for fitting rthro avatars to R6 proportions.


People who are doubting that 98% of users use R15 are disillusioned, if you actually went into a larger variety of roblox experinces you would see that almost everyone is R15. Its been 7 years since R15 was added to roblox its not a new feature. Please just stop spreading misinformed opinions like this.

We’re not disagreeing 98% of users’ avatars currently use R15, we’re noting this was never a willing change. Who knows how many of those accounts were and still are inactive today.
I’m amused by the sheer irony in this comment.


My R6 murder game doesn’t like this. Breaks spawning and animations.

emulated r6

real r6


The thing is that the 98% might actually be correct, but for the website. Which really doesnt matter since individual games can force R6 or R15. There are obviously still a lot of popular R6 games. Tower of hell for example, Flood Escape 2, Slap Battles, you name it.


This is a preview/test and not the final product, there are real people who worked on it. Please try to leave thoughtful criticism rather than assume malice and insult the people working hard on trying to make the Roblox Metaverse(Virtual World Platform) a better place for all of us.


Right, ofc. I’ve played a fair share of games that only allow R6 or even both it and R15 simultaneously.

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This is going to get buried under a lot of hysterics and stupid noise, but I will point out a few things that need to be yelled at the people getting all panicked:

  1. No, Roblox is not intentionally sabotaging the look of classic avatars. The avatar scaling code can be reworked and I might release my own version.

  2. You are not being forced to use this technology, it’s an opt-in adaption layer that you can use to bring R15 avatar features into your game.

  3. R6 is NOT being removed. Deprecation does not mean removal, it means that it’s been superseded and isn’t receiving support beyond bug fixes for unintentional regressions.

  4. Roblox is adding an emulation layer to play R6 animations on R15 avatars. The argument of it being easier to animate R6 is moot.

  5. The statistics don’t matter, if you willingly choose to limit what people can do with their avatar, you’re more likely to lose that player’s interest because they can’t dress how they want. It personally annoys the hell out of me that I can’t bring my jacket into R6 games.

  6. R15 is not being forced on. R6 will just gradually fade into the background and won’t be propped up as something you should be using for new projects.

  7. Juke’s Towers of Hell were literally used as a test case for this feature.

  8. R6 blocky bodies do look better than R15 blocky bodies. The aesthetics we care about should be dictated through the UGC catalog, rather than something Roblox needs to update. I would prefer if Roblox did upgrade the default blocky avatar to use skinning and smooth bevels, but it might not be a huge priority for them.

  9. This isn’t a universal migration, it will require some work on your part to make it work if you’re doing anything hacky with R6 avatars. The point is to make it possible to create new R6-feeling games while using the R15 technology.

  10. Gears have been broken ever since R15 came out. A large majority of games don’t allow them and the whole purpose of them at this point is kind of uncertain. I feel like they should just become a profile-only cosmetic that doesn’t have any scripting.

  11. Morph givers being used in R6 games will continue to work with games that use R6. You’ll have to adjust them to work with R15, but the migration tools will hopefully help alleviate some of that friction.

  12. This is a BETA feature, if you are finding errors and inconsistencies please make them known here. Give feedback that isn’t a stubborn insistence on retreating to the past.


I do see alot of validity in a conversion for R6 to R15, especially with hundreds of R6 animaters. It could be extremely beneficial in further game creation, and I do enjoy this concept.

Howmost, if we’re going to find ourselves evidently / eventually being forced to use the R15 base-plate, this definitely feels as if it’s going to set alot of older unmaintained games downhill, and break. If not, it’ll ruin some atmospherics of the original roblox. For my understanding, alot of additions like these start togglable, and start turned-on, instead of off, which I believe could affect the future assuming they’re opted in by force.

Please dont force enable this


They never said they were forcing it onto old games, just that for new projects that want to have R6-like gameplay they’re going to prefer that you use this technology instead of actually using R6.

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i think your avatar will still be R6, just using the same content from R15.

Its the last point that causes issues for me. I dont mind R15 at all, Im not the type of person to cry about “nostalgia”. But the issue is that every R6 character has the same limb sizes and positions, while R15 does not. This means that its pretty much impossible to make morphs work with R15 characters. I will have to figure something out for my own game eventually.

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Sorry for the delay, I was preparing a file. Here’s that video:

If you wish to test your new avatar yourself, feel free to use this place!
convertedAvatarTester.rbxl (85.6 KB)

edit: woops that link didn’t work properly


would be better if it only converted R15 to R6 with the R15 features applied, instead of maintaining the R15 format, which just isn’t very great.

that will break a lot of things.


A clarification on R6 being deprecated would be nice since a majority of the platform uses R6 and this could probably ruin so many games if it was forced onto them.

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I did seek to leave constructive criticism in my list, notably with points 1 and 3, but I am sorry to any affected if it came across as rude or detrimental of their work.

The lower torso looks way off here. It shouldn’t even exist in R6 so I have no clue why it’s not only visible with the massive seam but also why it’s smaller?! Weird.

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