R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

I find it as a common theme with updates like these starting in as beta features, (Remember pivot?)

Eventually beta features become optional features, and then they become enabled. In more extreme cases, they make features as such not disablable, but thats not what I’m getting at.

I feel as if a feature like this will always be avalible, and also give R6, however it might start enabled, which I believe could detrement some older games, or younger newer developers thinking its un-unenablable


There are still some things to buff out. I’d still prefer R6, but it would be nice to have an R15 package that looks virtually identical to R6 with no strings attached, like the modesty layer.


I think most of the concern that eminates from this update is the idea that this is a gradual change. R6 won’t be disabled for now, but what about the future? Is R6, the preferred style of many people on the platform, really protected?

Roblox has many times made people doubt the permanence of R6, and because of that, they (and I am in this group) have become very defensive of the style. I think most of us fear being caught as frogs in boiling water, Roblox gradually editing these until our voices are disregarded because “The players loved it in this update!”

I’m very mixed on this. Mixed, and concerned for what is to come.


Everything is always able to be changed, even with official quotes given by roblox. I understand your point of view, but for a platform that has quite consistently broken the trust of its users and high-end developers, and stating similar cases as you’re presenting to the wider development community (only to find that they’ve gone against their word eventually); brings in a case of uncertainty for every party involved.

Again, it could not be the way I describe, but it is a COMMON THEME with updates like this, that they are eventually rolled out to the majority as, perhaps still an optional feature, but force-enabled to begin with. Roblox likes promoting its new tech, and its quite common seeing new tech pushed in by force to get people to use it. Good example being animated faces, pivot, the new select boxes in studio, etc.


If Roblox were to add a feature like this (and preferably, a free one), I wouldn’t mind using R15 on my avatars in all honesty.
Those edges never seem right to me…


I mean, the “support layered clothing in all games” part seems like a good way to allow Developers to enjoy some benefits of R15 without having to manually equip that avatar style in-game, or breaking any of the game’s mechanics.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised about R6 about to be depreciated. It always seemed to be in their to-do list someday.

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I almost forgot how flawed the default R15 body is (with an odd choice of seams and a very scuffed UV map on normally unseen parts. My outfits’ boots never look good on them)… and somehow they made it worse with this and the oversized head.


It won’t be removed, period. Full stop. This isn’t even about executive decisions, this is the reality of backwards compatibility. No one working on the engine would allow for it to be removed and it wouldn’t even make sense to.

I don’t know how I can emphasize this enough to get through to you people. It is a major feature of the engine and Roblox has persistently done its best to maintain backwards compatibility for major features. Joint objects from 2006 still work, BodyMover objects still work, you can still use classic brickbattle tools, even SpecialMesh still works. They only break compatibility as a last resort when a TINY fraction of the community is using some feature (e.g. HopperBins)


can the emulator at least use the old r6 charactermeshes. doesnt really look like an r6 character here…


I agree the head scaling is a bit scuffed right now. Ideally the rescaling code should not be kicking in at all for avatars that already have classic proportions.

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R6 simply uses less parts and joints than R15. For future games where I want to target massive playercounts, R6 rig will still be ideal. New features such as dynamic clothes have proven to be non-performant and laggy and they’ve wasted two years trying to fix these issue but still get bug reports every week above people finding ways to stretch the polygons and clutter the screen. Maybe in a few years when we have more control over replication and the actual inner-working of these features I will enable them but right now my biggest concern is the underlying blackbox elements, like Humanoid movement, being ‘updated’ with no way for us developers to adjust it.


R6 is foundational tech that cannot be removed. You have nothing to worry about there. It’s just old and not worth the headache of maintaining parity when engineering time would be better spent working on new avatar features for a more superior type of avatar.


This update real name ‘fake r6 update’ . Outdated technology DOESN’T MEAN BAD. roblox, you’ve really done a lot of bad updates. now you’re just focusing on new users. the old users don’t care. i wish, if roblox was a newly released platform, you wouldn’t make us suffer with these updates. in the end, you will completely remove the blocks and change the name RoMetaverse, and all your old players will go to you, good luck with your new players.


is the original r6 rig technology going to remain on the platform itself with the avatar editor? Or will that be replaced with the emulator?



You better have a good idea in mind for morphs like this. My proportions are way off when using the adaptor and none of the limbs weld properly, nor do I currently have a scripter to help form some sort of compatibility for this. This is also going to be really crummy if you deprecate the “RigType” property, which is going to mean we can’t even inject custom R6 models as StarterCharacters for a work-around. My R6 morph builds will not convert to R15 and maintain their visual fidelity. There are no two ways about it. The most I can do is inject an R6 StarterCharacter manually into the game, but if the R6 RigType property is removed, that wouldn’t even be possible any longer.

Additionally, I expect Roblox to FAITHFULLY allow R15 users to emulate R6. By this, I do not mean a “classic animation pack” that looks stupid and doesn’t properly emulate the old animations, or has exaggerated “so retro!” nonsense going on. I mean an actual emulation of the old R6 animations on an R15 rig, as well as R15 finally going into skinned mesh territory so that there won’t be ugly Z-fighting on the limbs of characters. No, layered clothing isn’t an excuse for the Z-fighting. Fix it. Skinned meshes / mesh deformation have been out for 2 years already.

Ideally, you could make an R15 avatar move and look like an R6 character without giving it the bendy limbs via animation instead of physically making the R15 avatar have only six joints. I expect this to be how it’s handled, not like the “Classic Animation Pack” I mentioned earlier.

I don’t mind R6 being removed in terms of the avatar editor page as well as an experience lock, but removing the R6 “RigType” property would be disastrous for me, personally, and I’d prefer if that stays, since I’d rather not have to make a custom R6 rig and then convert all my R6 morph projects to being custom rig morphs. That would be a pain in the butt and probably result in me having to reanimate a ton of stuff.

I highly encourage Roblox to consider games that use morphs or other similar systems. A great many legacy games are, once again, going to break because of this. Not every developer is still on Roblox to fix their old games, and I can think of a great many games that would be broken by this.

Roblox needs to consider, seriously consider that R6 is a backbone of MANY, MANY experiences and that if this is pushed without careful consideration, it WILL be the end of many of those experiences, just like countless other major updates have done or nearly done in the past.

Do NOT let this be another materials update. (Before it was backpedaled on, that is.)


the reason why a handful of your devs use r6 is because its easier to use and animate and at times has its own look especially with the use of animations, if the choice to use r6 is removed it will make it harder for people with not as much skill as others to create stuff on roblox


To me, deprecation in Roblox terms usually suggests that it’s going to be removed from the Avatar page as an option (which, personally, I am already fine with if it happens, I’ve adapted most of my avatars). Is this not the case for the R6 deprecation? It seems heavily suggested due to the nature of “making R15 look and feel exactly like R6.”


It’s not being “stuck in the past” I have never seen a game company such like Roblox where they seem to think everything old is just another hassle for them to deal with and something “outdated”, them trying to age up the platform and make it more of a “social hangout” has yet to work for the most part and to cut them some slack this is a good feature but come on, do you really think this is a great approach considering they can just still keep R6 on the platform for the long lasting future?

If it’s not broken then don’t fix it. Unpopular opinion but R6 is much smoother, cleaner looking and less unstable then the mess R15 still is after 7 years.

Good change but poor execution, again. if it’s not broken, then don’t fix it one day when the day comes and they fully remove R6 I will not be surprised that a large majority of Roblox users will riot and for that day I will fully support them


All I need to know is, is the “RigType” property for R6 being removed or not?

If it’s not being removed, then it’s fine. I can just set an R6 dummy as a StarterCharacter, or find some hacky script once someone makes one. If the R6 RigType property is removed, that would be a problem.


i dont have much against this update, as long as the choice to use r6 in the avatar page isnt gone then whatever