R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

It is not being removed. It might be deprecated at some point later, but it will still work.


In a sense, R6 was already deprecated. As long as it remains on the platform and is accessible, I’ll be happy.

Still, boiling frog. Who knows what is to come.


R6 Will not be removed, it’s going to be marked as deprecated meaning it won’t get the same support as R15 and Rthro, unless there’s bugs that make it not work like its supposed to.


Oh, that’s fine then. Nothing to worry about. I’m totally on-board with the change then, assuming Roblox releases some sort of proper classic animation pack for R15. I’m pretty bothered that the current one is basically “so retro.” I feel like they could easily just convert the existing R6 animations to R15 and publish it as an animation pack, which wouldn’t even necessarily need skinned meshes or anything to look right.

Thank you for clarifying, by the way. That alleviates my biggest concern.


I dont think many people are getting this through,
R6 at the current moment is not being removed

My personal concern was it COULD be removed with this being used as a direction, but thats only a query based on previous updates. At the moment its not being removed. .-.


It’s just my opinion lol, I do like this very much but at the same time I do not fully believe Roblox with their track record will even emulate R6 properly. What about all the old games, games that haven’t been updated in long (devs quit or take a big break) but is still extremely popular, will it feel like R6 with all its fun glitches and techniques on different obby’s that are ONLY performed by R6 and not R15 trying to emulate R6.

There is many things they still need to address and I just won’t accept a depreciation until I fully know it will be like the R6 we know and love


youre right, that being said people have already found ways to get stuff like layered clothing working with r6
the roblox community is the one keeping r6 err… “fresh”(?)

I speculate it won’t be around much longer, but I’m hoping UGC bodies will make that a non-issue.
If the appearance of blocky R15 avatars gets cleaned up (i.e. Dogu15) then it’s a win-win for everyone. UGC bodies don’t support R6, and I don’t think anyone making them will want to double their workload to support R6.


Now one thing I do wonder is how to replace body parts with custom meshes without too much hassle using this tech (real time, not at spawn).
Typically in a R6 game, I’d just insert a mesh inside a body part and apply textures to it.

But R15 works with meshparts, and not just 1 but 3 for each limb and making them all invisible and welding another meshpart to it sounds very tedious and not very performance-optimal.

If there would be an easy workaround for that that would be very nice.


Take a look at skinned meshes, I managed to replicate a pair onto R6 earlier this year. Takes a bit of work, but its there


If there wasn’t such a thing like modesty layers, I would’ve already done an improved version of the default R15 body honestly.


There is an API to replace R15 limbs:

It defintiely is complicated though, and I think that was part of the reason why Roblox created the HumanoidDescription API. It makes it a lot easier to manage avatar appearances


If this was done and the current obvious differences in visuals between classic R6 and the emulated version were ironed out I’d be 100% on board.

Right now I’m slightly put off by the use of ‘similar’ because it’s leaving things really up in the air. How similar? Vaguely, or will Roblox commit to making the two visually identical, as they should?

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I am fine with losing R6 on the Avatar page as long as they allow classic-esque bodies without a decency layer on UGC bundles and finally give us UGC animation bundles.


most of my friends/people ive talked to who use r6 since its animations are so simple and if i recal correctly ugc animations are coming soon so the end of r6 seems not as bad as it used to (im saying that from their perspective if that makes sense…? im not good with words)
btw i absolutely love dogu15

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I’m already trying to get this addressed. I agree the modesty layer is stupid and I even made a post rambling about it in the original thread lol.


thanks for the clarification, i was just worried about the future of R6 that it may just at certain point break or anything worse could happen about it

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If you are worried Roblox is going to “remove R6” (you shouldn’t be, they aren’t) or are afraid they will remove the ability to enable in in the future, here’s a quick and dirty script you can throw in ServerScriptService to force load R6 characters.

Once again this is very quick and dirty. Please do not use this in a published game unless you’re really sure you want to.

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It should be really easy, they just port the animation to a different rig and set the waist, feet, lower legs, and forearms/hands to not move. Then they just make R15 a skinned mesh instead of several limb pieces and the differences would be negligible.

Honestly, I don’t understand why they haven’t already done that. It seems like a total no-brainer to me.


So THIS is what my friend told me about. He said you guys would attempt to force developers to convert R6 games to R15, and this is definitely it. (I was not legally allowed to share this information before this post was made)

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