R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

So THIS is what my friend told me about. He said you guys would attempt to force developers to convert R6 games to R15, and this is definitely it. (I was not legally allowed to share this information before this post was made)

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Force? Ehhh, probably not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this feature force enabled in the future. A quick and easy fix, but concerning for games that aren’t maintained…

I think this should’ve been seen coming from a mile a way, honestly. I’ve been expecting this since 2019. especially with the fact that none of the newer avatar features have been designed with R6 in mind. It was only a matter of time, if you ask me.

I’m not happy about it, but as long as they can come up with a satisfactory alternative, I don’t see a big issue with it, given how many years have now passed.

  1. R6 deprecation =/= removal.
  2. Roblox said this in 2016, back when they still called themselves ROBLOX and had forums and tickets and an inconsistent site design. Things change, and R15 has had 7 years to marinate and become the dominant (and better!) technology.
  3. R6 has been de facto deprecated for a while now. Deprecation just means that it’s not the recommended or up-to-date technology. R6 doesn’t support any modern avatar technologies.

Hopefully the emulator will retain the same hitbox as R6 characters.

Where did this idea of R6 and R15 having different hitboxes come from? Unless I am misunderstanding something, Roblox characters have no inherit hitbox. It’s up to the developer of each game to determine which part(s) of the character are valid hits or if they want to put their own hitbox.


Does this mean r6 will be removed from the avatar customization setting? Furthermore, can we rest assured knowing that we force regular, classic r6 in our experiences?

Once we end up in the “opt out” stage, we can still have our experiences set to CLASSIC r6 only correct???


While it is great to hear additional clarification from @Maximum_ADHD on the potential pain points this has for the community, and his clarifications practically nullifying most of those pain points (since old games no longer maintained by their developers won’t lose R6 as many initially thought and this is indeed a preliminary beta test of only one of the tools that will be available for R6 to R15 conversion so issues are expected), I feel like Roblox should have approached the original post with similar clarification in the first place to better douse all the mass panic.

Quotes such as,

Once we have the majority of R6 experiences working with the adapter, we will be switching the adapter to “opt-out,” meaning it will automatically work on all R6 experiences

Make it initially seem as though Roblox intended for R6 to be switched off permanently on all experiences at some point once the adaptation tools reached a satisfactory state in the near future. In actuality, I’m sure what they meant is that when you create a new place, the adaptation technology for R6 to R15 will automatically be preferred over using straight up R6 technology. It’s a pretty nuanced thing there, but the distinction is incredibly important. I genuinely believe that a lot of the frantic rumination and speculation going on about this could have been avoided if this just had said “meaning it will automatically work on all new R6 experiences”.

Beyond this, the actual post seems to be written in sincerity and with understanding of how important R6 is to Roblox’s community and identity. They are looking for genuine feedback on a very sensitive topic that inevitably needed addressing if the platform wants to keep releasing new avatar technology.

I have high hopes that great care will be taken to ensure the emulated R6 functions in a near identical way to the real R6. I have to imagine that continued panic and a hostile community consensus will actually lead to the emulation layer coming out worse than it ideally should. It will be a lot more helpful for people to actually analyze the current system through a critical lens and catalogue all of the problems that the layer currently needs addressed, which many people have definitely been doing and I’m sure that’s appreciated. Otherwise, the complaints will likely just come off as inevitable white noise that comes about with change, and an unpolished product will be shipped as final that nobody’s truly happy with.


The plans are to remove it when this works well (which I see very green, it is very broken)

What about animations though :frowning:

Also thank you but I’m not sure what this means though I’d have to test it.

says that if you do a :GetChildren() it will return both the R15 and R6 parts

Is therea way to only make it return R6 Parts? I use a module that changes the players’ skin.

Tbh I don’t like the look of joints of r15 bodys

you can do a check “if part:IsA(“BasePart”) then”

because R15 Parts Are Meshes, and R6 Are BaseParts


here are the parts returned in the character, with

for i, v in game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("9to5z"):GetChildren() do if v:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("MeshPart") then print(v.Name.. ", " ..v.ClassName) end end - Studio


see how both R15 and R6 Parts Are Here

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the only reason you say 98% of players use r15 is because you’re counting in inactive accounts made after 2017 which have r15 turned on by default. AND you’re counting in all the other older inactive accounts which were forcefully switched to R15 at one point in time.

you are being deceptive about statistics. you know very well that r15 is not as popular as you’re trying to make it out to be.


I still think it’s just wasted potential overall to not have an updated version of R6 since it’s almost twenty years old at this point, many people in the community still care about it after all.

It literality doesn’t make sense for the engineers to focus more on animated faces or emotes rather than ensuring that the R6 avatar is still maintained on some level, those kind of features should be something they work on their free time instead.

It’s great that you’re working hard to keep the overall style alive, but most people just prefer not having 15 body parts to their avatars in the end since it’s just visually unappealing.

But in the end, I suppose there’s no point for them to update R6 anymore since people can easily make their own packages that basically look exactly the same.

So I can see why some people are okay with moving on from the classic blocky avatar aswell.

To be honest I like this, needing tech that is made specifically for r6 (which is not near as common as r15) has always been a huge pain for developers/owners who want to create r6 games (assuming this is infact true R6). But I do think that this should stay as opt-in, lots of the previous features made opt-out have broken many older games and it would be a shame if the same mistake happened again.

Bad take. I simply prefer the look of r6 and furthermore, working with only 6 parts is way easier for me. Especially in animation.

I don’t mind r15 or “New Roblox”, VC is great, the new bundles are awesome, and overall there’s a lot of cool features now.

However I think its completely insane to force it onto games which don’t have that sort of visual style to them.

Furthermore your “most players use r15” argument falters when you realize it’s the standard for new accounts, and in fact, has been forced onto older accounts in the past.


This is a genuine performance concern that I have as well. Even if the parts are never rendered, R15 parts still would have to be instanced since the entire point is to have the functionality of that rig.

One idea could possibly be to, when using emulated R6 mode, replace the invisible R15 limbs with very low-poly models, possibly even make them all the same model, since all that matters is that they are parts that are carrying out R15 functions, not how they look.
Unfortunately, each character will inevitably have more parts in their models, but I imagine that turning off all collisions and queries on the invisible parts would help dramatically, which would have to be done in practicality anyways.


RIP Gears
