R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

you obnoxiously hold your own personal preference above everyone else’s. the way you feel about R6 is the same way someone else feels about R15.

why exactly should we even consider what you have to say? because so far, you’ve never actually formulated good objective reasoning, you’ve just demonstrated your bias against R6 through complaining.

because god forbid your avatar is even slightly changed or adapted in any way to fit someone else’s game? oh, but it’s okay if everyone else adapts to those changes. totally okay to force the millions of R6 to adapt to R15 against their will. everything is okay as long as it’s not YOUR avatar that’s being compromised i presume.

as long as developers have the power to write code and change fundamental things about their game, your avatar will never be fully safe. this is unavoidable.


whith this Adapter some things lags as hell:

(used Gear: Rainbow Disco Hyperbike for this example)

With Emulation:


Without Emulation



what happened to my torso is this normal

Try to add an WaitForChild for waiting to the parts to load!


@Maximum_ADHD Here it says in the future it will switch from opt-in to opt-out. So again, older projects which are no longer in development could possibly break completely when this happens. And this is not a question of “if” will Roblox will end R6 support, but more so of “when”, as we have seen with past updates (audio update ): ).

I understand where you are coming from, this is a new feature and will allow Roblox a lot more flexibility in the long term. But this like I stated in my first post, in its current state is not usable. I provided clips showing how the gameplay was messed up just off of enabling the feature and running the game. I couldn’t even spawn in properly. It seems like I would have to rewrite a significant part of the code in order to get it working, which I really do not want to do right now, and nor do many others. So for the time being it will stay disabled.

I do not blame Roblox for beginning this migration. R6 has probably been a headache to work around when it comes to implementing new features. But This is something that should have been done years ago so that developers would have time to learn this work around and eventually support or completely migrate to R15. You are now asking well established large games to migrate over with a not very functional feature from what I have seen. And again, I understand there are bugs they will work on, but I am personally not convinced it will be possible to add full support without additional modifications from the developers themselves.


How do you dislike a devforum post? In simple words, don’t do this. No one wants it. We all know this is to appease investors. Community outrage won’t look good on you. We all know you’ll still go through with it, still disappoint everyone who didn’t join Roblox after the pandemic, but this is still obscene.


aaaand there it is, as i predicted many times. i wish i was wrong, but roblox made it dead obvious this was their intention ever since they introduced these new technologies and forced them to be r15 only, and then all the other plethora of avatar changes lately.

if roblox does not make the r6 to r15 conversion process dead simple, i can easily say i won’t be touching studio again, as every single one of my current projects is r6 simply due to preference and ease of use. those are the reasons i had when i started work on those projects and those are the reasons i still have today, and if i get punished just because god forbid i assume roblox wouldn’t immediately discontinue a considerable chunk of their platform’s avatar system in about a years time, that’s just bloody scummy.

yes, if you couldn’t tell, i’m very bitter. perhaps it’s not quite justified, but i see this as a very big slap in the face for no good reason other than roblox cannot be bothered to support r6 anymore because ‘more expressions’ and metaverse avatars are simply just more important, it would seem. and yes, i know, r6 is ‘outdated and redundant’, but in my personal opinion it did have some things r15 didn’t, even if those advantages were very few. it’s up to preference.

and honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if roblox then deprecated this very adapter sometime in the future because they seem to just hate r6 that much, so i don’t even feel like i can reliably trust this tool.

but whatever. unifying the two body types is certainly the right say to go, i’ll admit. and assuming this all somehow goes well, i’d like to use one of those skinned mesh r15 rigs that closely resembles r6 because i personally very much dislike how the default r15 rig looks, and i would hope that roblox at least has the decency to help convert my plethora of r6 animations to r15.

this is just bull by the way.

i’ll try using the tool soon and see how it goes, but i haven’t heard good things yet. i still have many, many problems with this and getting my games working in r15 will be a giant chore ( and thats an understatement ), but i guess i don’t have much of a choice. i’m just lucky the biggest thing impacted is just animations and such, i have doubts some other developers were not so fortunate.


important to note that they could adapt layered clothing and dynamic heads to r6 avatars without much issue if they wanted to. this is all very corporate and out of touch. it reeks.


I don’t think this update is ready for my game yet, jumping animations dont work, slashing animations don’t work, I can’t crouch for some reason, morphing broke due to confusion of Shape.
What do roblox?


i made a very crude r6 rig with a dynamic head slapped on top for a project a bit ago, and it worked fine. i could animate the head perfectly fine, even though roblox goes out of their way to deliberately stop dynamic heads on r6 rigs from what i’ve seen.

the only thing i didn’t test from that crude rig, was if it could actually play facial animations in real time or not. if it can’t, roblox has genuinely no excuse.

as for layered clothing, i believe that’s more of a complex bag of worms than i originally thought, but i doubt it’s impossible to get working on r6.


Looks good!



Most Gear from before 2018 never even received Filtering Enabled support. If Roblox is ever going to overhaul the rigtypes on classic tools in the Catalog, they’ll probably code in Remote Events while they’re at it. Lots of pew-pew laser guns have been broken for half a decade.

Come to think of it, will UGC Gear ever be a thing? I realize that’s much harder to moderate if people hide backdoors or admin commands into the scripts.


if layered clothing works on a blocky r15, it can work on an r6 of any shape. simple as that. they just refuse to do it for reasons that would bne reprehensible if they were comprehensible at all.


Please, please do not encourage this. It would literally be BEGGING to be exploited by creators.


I wanted it. I avoid playing R6 games because I only use layered clothing these days. This compatibility layer allows people to still be able to express themselves through their avatars without needing to spend more money on classic clothes that somewhat look similar. I’ve been on the platform for a long time and I’m genuinely excited to finally see some form of compatibility between the 3 avatar techs.


The only way I can see it ever being permitted is if they require those premade Gear modules from Roblox. Like all ranged weapons load the same functions, all melee weapons have standardized scripts, etc. Creators would just design the meshes and particle emitters.


I am pretty sure that at one point during last year’s RDC, some Roblox staffers mentioned that gears are pretty much dead in the water and no longer worked on. UGC gear won’t be a thing as they’re too big of a risk.


the compatibility you want is something they REFUSING to give you. you are looking for layered clothing on R6. it is WAY MORE WORK to come up with a whole new system and adaptation methods to make R15 work as R6 than it is to just make layered clothing work on R6. this is pathetic what they’re doing.


Why would there be community outrage over letting people use their avatars correctly in games with r6 enabled? I don’t see a downside to this, they aren’t even removing R6 they are improving R6 by letting devs let their players keep the avatars they paid money for.

This entire thread is for a system that adds r15 compatability to r6 games, what do you mean.


I think you misread the whole post. This is about giving players with bodies that use the latest tech a chance to keep the tech in r6 games. Even if you skim the entire post, it’s kinda hard to avoid seeing it unless you’re truly outraged by deprecating an old system that should’ve been deprecated years ago.
