R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

I think you misread the whole post. This is about giving players with bodies that use the latest tech a chance to keep the tech in r6 games. Even if you skim the entire post, it’s kinda hard to avoid seeing it unless you’re truly outraged by deprecating an old system that should’ve been deprecated years ago.



This. Specifically this. My avatar uses layered clothing instead of classic clothing and one of the biggest painpoints with R6 is that the LC tech doesn’t work with R6 rigs (even though it can but not opening that can of worms)

this does look insanely cursed though


imagine what this would look like on fighting games, and how the animators would have to learn R6 to animate. not a great idea

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??? this doesn’t make any difference tho? If anything, it’d be the other way around. Might be a hot take but purposefully limiting yourself to old tech is kinda stupid in terms of career prospects.


It’s not even working lol have you seen my reply, my whole game broke when I turned it on.


im saying that some animators that animate in R6 would have a hard time learning R15, especially with how long it takes people to learn animation.

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Yea because it’s in early beta… it’s not gonna be perfect right away…

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Eh, not really? If you’re a skilled animator, it really doesn’t matter what rig you use. If anything, the animators who will struggle to transistion should probably take this as a warning that they gotta move off old tech and start working on bettering themselves before Roblox officially announces r6 as deprecated.

it… does matter what rig you use? what are you trying to say here? animating R6 is dumb and you should move to R15? i don’t think that the transition is that easy for most people. also you know people practice animating R6 for years? that means they’ll probably have to spend months (because they already know the basics) just to get to how good they were before.

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What’s the point of doing a janky conversion like this, when it’s adding 6 more limbs to R15? there’s already performance spikes when parenting models with more than 90 parts, so minimizing the most parts possible in a model is of utmost importance when spawning NPCs and players. Now, each character has 32 parts max (10 hats, 22 parts) when spawning into a game. If you guys aren’t letting us reduce those part counts, can we get a speedup on for loop and workspace parenting performance?

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i think you’re entirely missing their point
They never said animating in R6 is dumb, they said that deprecation of it is a foreword that animators should start doing things with R15. I’ve animated in both R15 and R6 and this is just my personal take, but I find them both quite similar and easy to adapt to animating.
You’re right, the transition isn’t easy for everyone, but they’re at least giving animators time.

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Not saying that R6 is dumb. Sticking to R6 without trying to branch into R15 knowing full well that R6 didn’t get any updates since Sept. 2016, on the other hand, is very stupid. Anyone with enough common sense knew that deprecation would come at some point and if you’re not willing to adapt to changes, you’ll just get left behind.

Roblox doesn’t owe anyone keeping tech around that they very obviously no longer care about.

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Oh yeah can we fork the AvatarUnification scripts pretty please :slight_smile:


Also the Idle animation doesn’t seem to work on migration rigs??

Maintaining a 19 year old codebase is harder than you think, especially when at least 5 C++ specs have been released since then (it gets updated every 3 years)


yes, it’s a system that adds R15 compatibility to R6. not a system that adds layered clothing or dynamic head compatibility to R6. two very very different things

clothing and heads are the only problem anyone has ever had with R6. instead of doing the more difficult thing, they should make R6 compatible with the two

funny thing is you can already get dynamic heads working on R6, just by getting the R15 model then using its head for R6, sample code by @Andy_Wirus

local StarterPlayer = game:GetService("StarterPlayer")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false

local StarterCharacterScripts = StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts

local descCache = {}
local headCache = {}
local createCharacter = function(player)
    local success, desc = pcall(Players.GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId, Players, player.UserId)
    local cache = descCache[player]
    local head: Meshpart = nil
    if success and desc ~= cache then
        local model = Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(desc, Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15)
        head = model.Head
        head.Parent = nil
        headCache[player] = head
    local character = Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(desc, Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6)
    head = head or headCache[player]
    if head then
        local newHead = head:Clone()
        newHead.Parent = character
        character.Torso.Neck.Part1 = newHead
    local animate = character.Animate
    animate.Parent = nil
    character.Name = player.Name
    character.Parent = workspace
    player.Character = character
    animate.Parent = character
    for _, v in StarterCharacterScripts:GetChildren() do
        v:Clone().Parent = character 

    --insert your character loader here

    descCache[player] = nil
    headCache[player] = nil

and yes r6 supports facial recognition/animation with it



you are missing the point. they are making R15 emulate R6 for the sake of layered clothing and heads. both of these things could have been adapted to work with R6 when they were first released.

You also missed my point of just being happy that it’s a thing regardless.


i just don’t see the point in what roblox is doing. like what @iiSpeak_Lua said, you could just put layered clothing on R6. i personally don’t find R6 attractive and yes, it could be easy to animate but for me it just doesn’t feel right. R6 on the other hand i really like because of its simplicity but how you could also make it look better. R6 is… different. i feel like most combat games i play that use R6 are not appealing ( might just be me though) and yes, i’ll agree i read your post wrong, so sorry about that

also sorry if i missed something about the mesh or whatever all i know is animation


if they can make layered clothing work on a complex rig, they can make it work on a simple rig. enough said.

they already have all the “wrapping” information for all the bundles, they just have to remove the joint deformation. and you need not look further than this thread to see several people mention how stupidly easy it is to make dynamic heads work with r6.

but somehow:

  • coming up with a whole new system that attempts to make r15 emulate r6
  • launching an opt in and opt out system
  • tasking many developers to keep in touch with feedback
  • tasking more developers to fix all the bugs that continue to be reported

is easier than:

  • adapting a working system to a slighty different rig?

yeah, right. i’m not buying it.


This fundamentlaly misses how R6 is different from R15. The R15 system is internally different on many levels. Its not as easy as just “moving wrap layers” for the R6 rig. For a start, R6 doesn’t even use MeshParts, it uses an older mesh system which is over a decade old at this point

The Avatar Unification scripts do feel a bit hacky which shows you how hard it is to migrate R15 over to R6 with the thing they utlimately ended up on