R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

They’re only putting an official deprecating tag on something that has been quietly deprecating for checks notes 5+ years but were too scared of doing it cus of people not understanding the change along with providing a solution to keeping the tech around without the need to remove it (as hacky as it currently is).

with this they proved they were almost fully capable of correctly positioning and scaling an R15 rig to look like an R6 one. this means that the mesh wrapping data is correctly positioned as well. you need not keep the r15 body parts at that point; you already have everything that’s necessary. and if a mesh part is required, well… they have access to all the backend code. they can adapt it to fit this simple change.


Yet again another decision made by Roblox on behalf of their investors. Going public was the worst thing to happen to this platform.


did you remember community is getting mad over roblox almost replace classic faces by 3D heads?


@Maximum_ADHD I believe I saw you say somewhere that Roblox is not intentionally sabotaging R6 avatars in order to make people switch to R15. Please explain to me how specifically programming the R6 character loader to break dynamic heads on R6 is anything other than intentional sabotage. I see no compatibility issues, and certainly no compatibility issues that have a legitimate interest to Roblox, considering that Roblox made a very technically similar change to accessories by making them use meshparts, which, furthermore, they didn’t even do on R6 even though any potential incompatibilities would have been identical between rigs. Refer to the post that I am replying to.


Accessories are expected to have a Part named Handle with a SpecialMesh named Mesh contained within. Roblox changed this to no outcry on R15 avatars only, via (if I remember correctly) a three stage rollout. There is absolutely no reason to change this on R15 avatars and not R6 avatars. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t R15 rigs previously also use a SpecialMesh, completely invalidating your argument?

Edit: I know that MeshPart heads can be used to make dynamic heads work on R6. You did not refer to the post I replied to like I asked : (


I’m guessing that’s because of how MeshParts don’t have the ability to use scale or change meshid in runtime the same way SpecialMeshes do, right? But… I’ve had a kind of unrelated question lingering for a while after finding out the MeshPart Head conversion; How does Roblox load a different MeshPart from CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription on the fly, if not during runtime?

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if R6 is forced then phantom forces probably wont change since it looks like they use custom characters, and even if they did use R15 that would only really make the arms and legs be able to bend and add lag due to extra parts (which doesn’t seem like a lot, but with more players it’s much more noticeable).

also there are plenty of obbies that rely on glitches that are exclusive to R6 such as clipping through walls with /e dance2 that don’t work with R15, and probably won’t work with the new avatars since they’re based on R15, just with R6 parts taped on.

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Why must you hate your identity, what made you so popular. What drives you to disaccosiate so much and force these upon on us.


Unification mode:


There’s definitely a few scaling issues.


Inflammatory? I asked you to please explain your reasoning. That’s not inflammatory, that’s inquisitive. You did, however, screenshot this conversation and publish it on Twitter like I’m some sort of idiot. That’s fine, you can have your moment online, I know I’ve had many moments of my own, but you can’t pretend that you aren’t somehow doing the thing you’re accusing me of. Layered clothing incompatibilities are a fine argument, but you still make no argument for dynamic heads or MeshPart accessories. Even you say that at least dynamic heads are simple to support. All I want to know at this point is why it is okay for Roblox to break so-called backwards compatibility with R15 rigs by changing whether a given part uses a MeshPart or a SpecialMesh, but not R6 rigs. If you can’t answer that then I can only assume it’s a choice made in bad faith by Roblox to get people to use R15 so that there will be less backlash when they remove R6.


The adaptions you are after can be resolved in a rudimentary way by oneself or community member, a backwards compatibility solution ultimately cannot always cover all sections, some sections can be missed, or too unperformant for the general use case, there are parts where designers/developers will have to make decisions on their own whether Roblox’s implementation aligns with their game or not. It’s not intentional sabotage, it’s a completely optional layer of compatibility that takes a long time to make, test, review, and assess for the most amount of people possible. It already gives the community tools to fully implement compatibility as we please. The reality is that one team from a hundred staff Roblox teams has been dedicating themselves over months to resolving this design problem as good as they can, and will continue to iterate onwards based on feedback. Things do not work from an alienated top-down perspective, these are all decisions discussed between designers for the time they had to work on this, just for what meets the end user needs.
By alienating this process not only do you ignore the details, you are also using it to align the intentions of difficult and nuanced decisions lazily towards malice, which is wholly unfair to those Roblox staff who are doing this in good faith. All just to get a slight sense of vindication because you were looking for a reason to be upset in the first place.


I think this is what’s causing some of the confusion, because it wasn’t really clarified in their post whether “automatically work on all R6 experiences” meant forced onto every game including the older games and/or complete replacement of R6, or if just meant any new experiences will have it enabled. I actually panicked for a moment because of how vaguely they worded it and how sometimes they tend to make a decision and just rush it out before it’s actually usable, Roblox needs to learn to clarify better lol


have you considered that “98% of users have R15 avatars” because 1. R6 is off by default 2. you added a warning box when you try to turn it on 3. you keep moving the option to increasingly out-of-the-way places and 4. you turned it on for everyone in 2016 and then did it again a few weeks ago
this statistic is very misleading


anyways, when is R15 ever going to look actually good for block avatars? it’s been 7 years and it’s still got weird uneven flatshaded bevels, really ugly seams between the forearms/legs and “hands/feet”, weird elbows with completely messed up UV maps, and completely messed up proportions on the ROBLOX Girl torso


Time and time again roblox tries and tries and tries to remove and discourage R6, but people just do not want to see it go. Thanks for creating this feature because absolutely no one will use it and no one will care. R6 is a timeless staple of the roblox aesthetic. Many popular games on roblox still use R6 and likely will into the future.

This could arguably be false data, especially considering the fact that R15 is forced on account creation as well as the fact that older accounts have been force swapped to R15.


I think the UV Mapping on the knees are even worse.
The seams were actually fine until they updated the model for Rthro.


I agree with all of this. I have been a player on Roblox for 11 years now and since 2013 or so my character has looked completely the same. The traditional look of R6 has grown on me. I am not someone who goes and says new features are terrible all the time, in fact, I have liked some of the recent changes on Roblox. Most people that are still using R6 have reasons for keeping it which I assume are similar to my own, which is why I am not too fond of this update.


For some reason this adapter doesn’t work for me. I switched the “AvatarUnificationMode” setting from “Default” to “Enabled” with R6 body type and when I try to start the test, the studio crashes.


This entire topic is just a massive joke, NO ONE uses any r15 feature to make a realistic avatar. also I would like to see the “98% of Roblox users have R15 avatars” stats (oh and the “40% more time on average in R15 experiences than in their R6 counterparts.” part is dumb as most games allow both and it doesn’t prove ones better over the other.)