R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

I have very little to say about this so far that is actually good. I hope this beta release lasts as long as it actually needs to be in a good state because right now this is just really bad. I want to like it, it’d be great to technically have a unified avatar type system, not leaving R6 styled avatars in the dust but the current blocky styled R15 model as is does not look good scaled to match the R6 model. There have been community attempts to make R15 match the ‘blocky’ 1.0 R6 model closer using the same technologies that have been pushed hard by Roblox recently like Skinned Meshes and there have been more consistent community projects to backport or unify R6 and R15.

I hope this update can improve over time and isn’t pushed out into Live Roblox under baked and flawed, it could be a good update.

Sorry if this is a bit incoherent or ramble-y I just wanted to get my opinions out about this.

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Is this ironic? “Please think of the multi billion dollar company!” is honestly a pretty bad copout. Don’t try to pull that “they’re people too!” when they post this with a faceless account and have still yet to address any issues people brought up. Don’t lick the boot too hard. This “they understand the delicacy of the situation” nonsense has fallen flat multiple times:

  • TOS changes letting Roblox take our code to train their AI
  • Audio update
  • Back-to-back RDC data leaks
  • Spontaneous algorithm and advertisement changes
  • The entire UGC fiasco
  • Forced desktop client

So all of a sudden we should expect different? Why simp for them like this when they’ve failed us time and time again. If they want to be coddled and treated delicately then maybe they should actually address us themselves? There are plenty of other topics where the engineers communicate directly with us, but whenever it’s a controversial one like this they just hide away and promise some crap in the OP that never gets delivered.


I may or not have predicted this event, however I have own pre-planned conversion in which I’ve combined smooth R15 mesh parts, R6 animation pack for R15 and R6-like death, all in the future event of official R6 deprecation

the bevels on the blocky character feels off

in this brutal world, it is called “adapt or die”


Ok not going to lie, I kinda love this. Glossing over the post I was skeptical but actually trying it, I’m pleasantly surprised. It looks hilarious but honestly it’s not as bad as I thought. I’m just wondering how it would work with obby glitches though (wallhops, clips and such).

Of course, this feature requires a lot of work but in my opinion I think this may actually be a feasible solution to the large number of technological discrepancy between R15 and R6

I am a little concerned about performance though, the unified characters create a lot of parts. The R15 ones are of course not queryable, collidable, or touchable but I am wondering if they at all will degrade performance to a meaningful level.

I also have encountered some issues:
1- Characters will collide differently. This model has two heads: “CollisionHead” (for head collision), and “Head” (the physical head). CanCollide is on for “Head” but is not touchable, thus the collision for the character will be that of the physical mesh instead of the stock 2x1x1 head (goes for queries as well).
2- Most animations that are not the standing animation break.
Holding a tool:
There are more, Dance1, Dance2, Dance3, Idle, Climb,
3- Animations stop very suddenly and snap back to their original position instead of interpolating to the idle animation that R6 does.
4- A lot of warnings in the output with no trace:

5- Falling onto a ladder just does not work:


Cool and all, but the R6 rig itself isn’t the problem. Minecraft technically uses R6. It’s just a rig. Newer technology should be able to support 6 body parts as well as 15, right?

Roblox has made it difficult to switch rig types. They are literally body parts on an avatar. You get fifteen of them or you get only six. I don’t understand why they put the effort into designing many other systems without thinking “hm, what if we made humanoids work with both rigs without this rig type logic?”

If I were to design the next “rig type”, it would be completely universal. No part needs to be named “Torso” or “Right Arm” for it to function. It’s a bad design practice, unless you’re sure you won’t be changing it in the future (which Roblox clearly has back in 2016).

My view of this particular change makes me think Roblox is trying to push the old stuff down and bring up new stuff, while also making it impossible to adapt. Some applications require R6, but why does that have to mean they can’t have layered clothing? Additionally, it makes Roblox’s humanoid system look even more outdated and bloated internally if it absolutely requires that there’s a different number of body parts in the rig. The main difference is the clothing, where it’s not currently possible to easily map it onto a character, which is the main compatibility issue limiting my use of R15.

It has gotten so bad that it would be significantly easier to just provide an update that allows R6 clothing on an R15 humanoid rig type than it would be to provide compatibility layers for R15, when it has more parts which equal more performance issues. Great.

But rather than making improvements to the rig type system as a whole, they’re making R15 the go-to solution for replacing R6 when they’re not even the same rig type. Rig types have a purpose, and Roblox not acknowledging that is disappointing. It’s not that I cannot support R15, but rather that R6 has presented no issues to me whatsoever, and it’s proven to work on the R15 technology.

My rig has 7 body parts. Everything R6 would have + the RightHand, which is welded to the Right Arm. Humanoid does not require neck. This about as compatible as it gets, and what I might consider doing in the future if R6’s technology breaks down, but it shouldn’t have to be this way. Rigs are rigs and they should just work. It’s not the looks or the style or the number of body parts, it’s the code inside the humanoid that’s changing. Roblox fails to separate the code of the humanoid from the rig type itself, because of how poorly thought out they are.

That’s what I said…

but yeah, it’s hilarious. It has no compatibility whatsoever. The only reason why it partially works is because I added “UpperTorso” support in my game. I don’t understand why the R6 torso is named differently than the R15 one, just opens doors for compatibility issues.


Cool feature… on paper…
But this execution is horrible man. Havent tried it out and probably wont but from what ive seen animatiosn dont work, scaling is horribly off, just turns them into an r15 character that moves like an r6 one?? if you really did just want a converter then why not just use the original r6 models? instead of creating new ones that dont even fit either way…


Wait, even animations don’t work?

Then the use of this update is completely invalidated. All it does is provide a pretty bad animation script and changes body type to 0, that doesn’t even work.


this is exactly what i wanted!! using 3rd party r6 adapters is just too difficult. im glad roblox recognizes that people still want r6 behaviour!


3D Clothing on R6 avatars? Sign me up!


Would it be possible to simultaneously use the R6 rig and the R15 adapter at the same time in your game? Would you add a new Avatar type setting Like “R6 + Avatar unification”?

Forcing a player who’s already using R6 to use the adapter rig makes no sense and should only be applied to people who use R15.

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R6 is finally getting some attention too :heart_eyes:


Minecraft does not technically use R6. Minecraft uses its own animation system that just so happens to have 6 body parts. Modifications to Minecraft can make these 6 parts bend to create very complex animations. This animation style of the character model wasn’t possible on Roblox before 2016’s introduction of R15.

R6 is a 18-year-old system which core design is incompatible with many of Roblox’s current advancements. It is functionally structured different than R15.

They’re literally starting public beta for an R15 adapter to let R6 games use certain features exclusive to R15 users.

@Maximum_ADHD has answered this question many many many times on both the DevForum and Twitter why R6 doesn’t allow for layered clothing. This feature is meant to help with that.

The feature sucks (for now). It’s in early beta. Beta is always going to be a mixed bag on functionality. I’d understand the animosity more if we were, say, a few months into this change and Roblox is thinking about making it opt-out despite none of the issues being addressed.


I see that most for your points about R15 being superior are caused by changes you made recently. 98% of roblox users might be using R15, as you forcefully changed every account to use R15, also,

“The R6 tech stack makes it hard to achieve natural-looking movement because of its simplified structure and inability to access advanced features like facial animation

This is not the fault of R6 being old technology, you chose to not support it when you could have. Same thing with layered clothing.

While I know that you want to keep pushing R15, That’s alright, but please DO NOT ever make this a permanent change that you can’t turn off; do not merge R6 into R15, thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


I haven’t seen this addressed, so let me ask the question I’m sure others have: After the full release of this feature, will creators still be able to use R6 without the R15 adapter?


You say 98% of users have R15 avatars, which means, a total of 100 million accounts use R6. Next time use different kind of stats.


what i wanna know is, will body parts snap together properly using this? because mixing & matching new parts has always been weird for r6

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other than the joke this is actually pretty handy and dope because some peeps don’t wear clothing beneath layered clothing

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Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but this is what I’m getting from this whole thing:

Roblox believes R6 isn’t expressive enough so they are going are going to deprecate it. (Which by itself is limiting how you can express yourself) The post mentions the majority of people use R15 (98%), which is true, but what about those who don’t use it? As of February this year, Roblox had 67.3 million DAU. 2% of that is 1.3 million people, and this is just for the daily active users. (Don’t forget about the fact that Roblox forces all new accounts past 2017 to R15, unless changed by the user.) If Roblox cared so much about users expressing themselves, would they not make it so that everybody, even the minority, can do so?

So going back, Roblox is deprecating this in favor of their new systems which from what I’ve seen, haven’t been received too well in the community. (Especially the whole animated face thing) But to “fix” this, they are releasing something that developers can use to simulate R6, which might I add, can only be done by the developers for their own games, and not by regular players. I get the feeling this whole system they’re releasing is to sugarcoat the fact that they’re burying something important to their heritage, when in reality, theres no need to simulate something when it already exists.

I understand R6 is outdated and may be hard to maintain, but removing it for not being compatible with these new features seems ridiculous. The majority of people using R6 use it for the old, nostalgic feel, not to put layered clothing and animated faces on it. This just enforces the idea that Roblox is trying to force people to use these new systems, whether they like them or not. As others have brought out, Roblox choses not to support R6 the way they support R15.

Finally, I’m not to sure on how long this will be true:

It’s been mentioned in the past that R6 would be here to stay, but it seems they’re going back on that. (Allowing developers to simulate R6 for players is not the same as players getting the choice themselves) That makes me believe they’ll have no problem going back on stuff like this as well.

At the end of it, I just don’t see why R6 has to be deprecated. So what if it’s clunky and unnatural? That’s what appeals to the people who use it. And so what if only a small percentage of people use it? They’re still people who deserve the chance to express themselves, instead of relying on a developer to design their game to accommodate their preferences.

Like I mentioned at the top of this, please let me know if I got something wrong here.


Deprecating doesn’t equal removal.

The tag is essentially a notice to anyone that Roblox is no longer officially putting man hours into R6 unless it’s to fix any major issue that it can cause. You didn’t need to write a whole paragraph on this… :sweat_smile:


I don’t some parts of this, while I think it’s a good thing that they are letting R15 clothing and such things supported on R6, I really don’t like this

We will deprecate the R6 technology stack at some point in the future because of its limitations.

What are these limitations, please elaborate further. Also you can’t make R15 look like R6, it will look off, I make most of my (terrible) animations on R6, if said animations were converted to R15, it would look off

We want to make sure developers have the power to create gameplay and visuals similar to the classic R6 while allowing access to advanced motion and animation.

If you want that, then DON’T deprecate R6. Also R6 isn’t meant to be advanced, It’s supposed to be simple.