R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Will player choice still be a thing? Can you still decide whether you want to be R6 or R15, or would the game explicitly need to choose between them?

Im finally happy that the R6 is not gonna be out.

Hopefully, i wish R6 stands to the plataform forever.

Is a great update tho, it gives a lot of choice now using R15 clothes or simply giving more chances to use R6.


On top of this, my head is too large. It’s set to 95% in the avatar editor, yet it’s larger than it’s supposed to be in the standard R6 rig (1.25 scale on all axises, it’s ~1.37 here).
Disabling MeshPart-based accessories (defeats the point of this, I know, but proves my point) creates this monstrocity.


Come on! You’re better than this.


The system itself is actually quite good but I’m worried on how it’s design will work, roblox has a history on ruining something in an attempt to make it work again i think but they’re may be a chance that it will look the same.

Yes I did see the beta design but I hope that roblox will not keep that design, it doesn’t look good at all…

This has got to be the worst update on ROBLOX. This would ruin games that use R6, especially for inactive games and Classic games that are not updating anymore.

R6 games, inactive games and Classic games would break even more (basically, making them unplayable and useless), just like the audio update. Anyways, the new avatar that tried to recreate R6 is inaccurate because it has more body pieces than 6 pieces, and the torso isn’t technically accurate like the original.

Speaking of the torso being inaccurate, the new avatar would ruin classic clothing and the lower part of the torso shows that you more like wearing a belt on your avatar, when you wear classic clothing.

Lastly, instead of releasing the update, it’s better to keep the R6 avatar and maybe try to get it up to date for modern updates like layered clothing.

Anyways, this is my thoughts and criticism on the R6 replacement update. Have a good day or night (depends which time zone you’re from), comrades.


98% of inactive accounts forcefully switched to R15 and bots have R15 avatars.


90% of gears made don’t work at all anymore
the only one’s i’ve had work in the last 3 years are some skateboards that sorta work and some post 2015 sword gears

There are games BUILT on gears! Literally!

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R6 is widely beloved by the community for its consistency, simplicity, and appealing design. It is considered by most to be the brand of Roblox.
Facial animations and other new features relating to R15 have been used almost entirely ironically. Players use them to glitch their hitboxes, appear massive, and look as frightening as possible.
This change is also going to break a whole ton of games. The direction Roblox is going in is throwing away their brand recognition for changes that players don’t want.


that most of which have been broken since forever ago and / or abandoned


Not really a big fan of this update as many games rely on R6 to function including advanced obbys. I personally do not think that deprecating R6 altogether sometime soon would be the best approach. I can see some veteran players being quite mad over this.


This is entirely not what we wanted. It will break alot of games that uses R6 and most of my places tho i created all use R6. I am not liking this update as it will force people to use R15 instead of R6.


On the whole, I would say that this update is good. From what I see, Roblox was worried about games that were not maintained and included fake R6 body parts. The only thing I find off is the styling, which looks off even compared to it’s closest counterpart, the R15 body. I really would like it if you guys fixed the head size and lower torso. I find no other issues with that conversion besides that.


The whole (concept) of this post is that they’re developing an “adapter” that allows games that only support R6 to use R15 avatars as their base; allowing the R6-like avatars to use features that are exclusive to R15 (due to arbitrary limitations, but that’s besides the point) such as facial tracking and 3D wrapped clothing.

They’re attempting to partially sunset R6 while still allowing older games to still be mostly compatible.

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I’m super glad that the old R6 system isn’t being removed, even if there’s no updates for it anymore it’s best to preserve it for the sake of history and archival purposes.

and while i’m really happy there’s efforts to create a system that will allow for R6 style avatars using the R15 schema, there is a MASSIVE importance that must be pointed out, and that’s the look of them. In the video, the proportions are way off. I understand that it’s early in development, but I felt it should be addressed just in case. I have faith that in due time it’ll be perfected.

I look forward to seeing where this goes though, making actual effort to keep the old style is a step in the right direction.


I fully agree with the deprecation of R6, as it creates a considerable divide between styles of scripting and causes issues that will only amplify down the road. However, R6 is associated with a portion of Roblox history and culture, and I propose the following changes to preserve the R6 look and feel, as the adapted character style seems a bit “off”.

  • Proportions should be nearly identical to R6, which is an issue, particularly in the head and lower torso.

  • Add a free R6 “blocky lookalike” package available on the catalog that looks as close to the current R6 body, but based on current R15 tech like skinned meshes and layered clothing. Combined with an R15 animation pack, limbs should “bend” in the way one would expect without any visible gaps or joints between parts like the current R15. The adaptor should use this for any packageless avatars that join. Also fix the “blocky woman” torso.

  • Add a free R6 animation pack, which would allow users of any package to have the classic “stiff” animation style. This, combined with the R6 lookalike package, should look almost identical to the current R6 blocky look and feel, while supporting newer technologies like Layered Clothing, avatar scaling, and dynamic faces and heads.


Good on you for spreading the message, but it seems one or more content creators have already spread the false impression of this update.


So, in concept I really like this update and can understand the idea behind it.
They want to allow r15 users to join content coded and geared for r6 without losing avatar expression. An easy example of this is r15 avatar losing its layered clothing which can ruin the look of an avatar (making them appear “naked”) and by proxy the players enjoyment of a game.

I do have issues with it though:

  • adapted rigs are not scaled to be the same size as r6.
  • They don’t properly “Retain[ing] a similar feel, functionality, and movement to their R6 experience”

The first issue is something they can, and probably will fix. The functionality for it already exists within r15 to have adjustable sizing.

The second issue, I feel is due to the awkward presence of visible Waist, Hands, and Feet on the rig.
This could (possibly) be fixed by putting the round edge similar to what is in a knee joint on the parts mentioned above.

** A humanely separated 1.0 r15 rig's left leg. **

This probably is not how it is in the current 1.0 R15 due to its need to twist (rotate on the Y axis) at those parts, but using the rigid animations of adapted r15 to r6 models it could work.
It might also make for decent choice to be used by users in the avatar editor if they could choose the rigid animations and an adapted model like the one above. The reason many people don’t use r15 Is because of these visible joints on “Blocky” (1.0) models distorting clothing, and this is a fix.


This seems like wishful thinking especially with the tool in a state like this. I’d love to believe that we’re getting a little to no compromises R6 upgrade tool but based on the information in the initial post and the overwhelmingly negative response so far I can’t say my hopes are high.

Since this is a feature planned for an opt-out phase with no set deadlines yet I suppose it’s just a question of when will it be good enough? What other deadlines are being hit to where there’s a limitations list ranging from annoying to broken to fundamentally backwards incompatible in a public beta? You likely have more insight than I do.

I have genuine interest in the upgrades of R6 going forward but I’m struggling to see the positives when the beta release is so painfully unusable. You cannot tell me a team of incredibly intelligent Roblox employees sat down and made the conscious decision to push something this broken even as a beta. And what’s even weirder is usually for a release this popular you’ll see staff floating around answering questions but at 400 replies and 20,000 views in a little over 24 hours, its eerily quiet. I get not wanting to stir the pot but this is disappointing so far especially with what’s been promised. I hope this isn’t representative of what’s to come.


Which includes countless bots and inactive accounts, if it was a active player statistics it would look much different no doubt.