R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Another quick comment, as an animator and programmer, I tend to use R6 more, less parts, less complications, I can easily animate without stress and it’s a lot smoother for me. Some might disagree with me, but it’s an opinion. (Opinions are overrated :rofl:)

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All new accounts use R15 by default. They literally force R15 on all inactive accounts. They force R15 on active accounts, as well. This statistic means nothing.

Here’s an example.


Yet again I am repeating myself.

This is INACCURATE DATA. I have given the reasons why this is inaccurate data, but I will do it again.

I will also quote what was stated by @Wayyllon

Once again, I have debunked Roblox’s 98% statistic, which many people on this topic already recognized as moot in the first place.

And which games are you referring to here? Are you referring to the massive teams of developers with loads of funding, or perhaps are you referring to developers who have little to no access to said funds. Depreciation could set a precedent for the potential removal of R6 in the future, which could lead to R6 potentially being written out of the character load system all together. If this happens (admittedly it’s a worst case scenario but still a possibility) developers would have to write their own character loading for R6, as well as their own accessory assignment. For now this can be written off as a worse case scenario, sure, but the fact that Roblox is making the effort (all be it poorly) to convert R15 rigs to be R6 style makes me think it will be cast to the side in the future.

I also understand that you have joined Roblox 5/26/2023, which is only 3 months ago. I have been on this platform since 2013 and created my account in 2015. In my experience I have found many genre’s of games that have actually thrived off of R6’s simplicity, these could be group games that are being created by inexperienced devs or devs with few resources, many fighting games such as Deepwoken wouldn’t have the same vibe if they were to be done with R15. Even recently one of my developer friends switched his game from R15 to R6 because the burden of using a 15 joint rig was too much to extra work. This isn’t to say R15 is a bad product, I personally do not prefer R15 over R6 but I also recognize that some developers prefer to create games using R15. But Roblox has progressed too far to remove either R15 or R6, and I would rather they coexist together as options for developers to use.


I get the feeling the account he’s using is an alt, though I may be wrong.

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This literally doesn’t matter.

No evidence of this + this literally doesn’t matter

I have debunked your claims multiple times. Repeating yourself isn’t gonna change my mind.

Old accounts don’t matter they are not even 1% of the Roblox population.

Any game.

What are you even talking about here?

Doesn’t matter and this isn’t my only account.

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What on earth do you mean?! There is stone-cold evidence of this happening! And what do you mean “this literally doesn’t matter”?! It absolutely does, this statistic doesn’t matter because Roblox basically forced those numbers. You seem to really like the phrase ‘This doesn’t matter’.

I’m starting to get the feeling you’re trolling as well…


Ok but when I ask for any evidence neither of you provide any. It doesn’t matter anyway because the old accounts make up less than 1% of the Roblox population. I am getting frustrated because I’m being replied to by 2 people, one who sends a small comment and one that sends a giant block of text that is just looping the conversation over and over and bringing up random points.

Instead of actually arguing, you make arguments in bad faith trying to say trolling, I am a Roblox employee and I’m a new account / alt although why does that even matter?

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Because you clearly have no grasp about what you are talking about. I will not bother explaining how the 98% statistic is a lie, as I have done it two times now and will not repeat myself a third.

You claim to have “debunked my claim” yet I can not think of one occurrence in our conversation where such has happened. If you are referring to the fact that people use R15 avatars for accessory accessibility then all you have done is prove my point further, but I will not repeat myself with regard to this. If you are instead referring to the fact that Roblox (the company famous for it’s massive bot crisis, failing customer support and also known to be out of touch with it’s community) provided this 98% data-point then I ask you, if roblox said the sky was green would you believe it?

I will not continue replying to your failing arguments as speaking to you is like speaking to GPT-4, except GPT-4 learns from conversation and can provide convincing arguments.

Instead, I’ll leave you with this. Roblox’s 98% data-point (your saving grace and main point) has been questioned by many developers on this thread, I won’t bother mentioning them because you can scroll for more than 5 seconds and find 10 people questioning it and maybe 1 person supporting it. I would say to read those posts, but as you have demonstrated your reading comprehension skills are as moot as that 98% lie.


What do you mean it’s a lie?? Why would roblox lie about something so trivial?? Not to mention they have investors. You cannot do anything but take their word for it since you have no means of getting a different data point that can contradict it. You sound like a flat earth conspiracist. So what if it’s been “questioned”? Did they actually have any evidence? No. I don’t really care if Roblox has done bad things in the past as it doesnt correlate to this exact topic. Your logic is absolutely busted. Are you a sheep that follows what everyone says? You realize that isn’t necessarily the right opinion.

I literally linked an example in my previous post. Plus, you can just google it (you’ll find proof there, if nowhere else).

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This is your previous post.

Apologies, I meant this one, my bad.

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except it won’t work like that… Roblox will force this feature onto all games, and it will be up to the developers to opt out. that is my biggest worry with the update. yes, theoretically you can opt out of it, but numerous old games will be broken because developers aren’t around to turn it off. it should be an opt-in situation. let developers choose to turn it on, not turn it off. but roblox’s opt-out plan is going to endanger many old games on the platform.


Technically, the 98% statistic could be true, seeing as there are over 4 billion Roblox accounts. Any of them that have been inactive for the past 3-6 years (I think), which is quite a few, have most likely have been defaulted to R15.

This doesn’t change the fact that the statistic is likely not applicable to active players, as there is simply no way that 98% of active players are using solely R15. It’s more likely they’re using the most favorable statistic to support this change. The fact that the original post doesn’t include any proof or evidence of this definitely contributes to the suspicion


I mainly just want clarification. Why not show statistics for active, inactive, and total users? Saying a number without clarification or context isn’t exactly professional, especially for a public company, like you said. The very fact that they’re public gives them more motivation to publish the most appealing statistics, rather than the specific, realistic ones.


hmmm i wonder why erik cassels account got switched to r15 with stevie standard then?
and my accounts too? not a significant percentage but it happened more than once


i’ve noticed some strange behaviours, specifically in scaling, the tool grip animations and the fall animation.


also i do hope that this means that r15 will get a skinned mesh rig equivalent to the appearance of r6 avatars for 1.0, since the default rig looks terrible with its wrinkly joints and unsmoothed edges!

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The claim is all inactive accounts were forced to use R15 which they don’t have proof for. The proof you provided was one or two accounts which is not reflective of “all” accounts like they say.

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If it’s proof you care for, where is your proof that they didn’t change? If a few of them changed, why wouldn’t all the others? I’m pretty sure Roblox didn’t just select random accounts and set them to R15.

I can safely say every inactive account in my friends list (there’s about 100+) has received these changes.


The accuser holds the burden of evidence.