R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

this is the ideal solution in my mind since it most closely resembles the r6 look people are fond of

an example of something like this in motion:

I get the feeling this is why no one is taking you seriously. R6 isn’t “strictly worse”, it’s different. This is like saying a screwdriver is a useless tool because it can’t hammer a nail. Both technologies have different styles and different uses, and saying one is worse because it can’t do what the other can isn’t gonna put you in a good light. Each have their strengths and weakness, and are designed to fit specific needs.


R6 has almost only weaknesses which is why the majority of popular games use it and why roblox has stated that players in R15 games stay in them for 40% longer. If R6 was of major benefit to most developers it wouldn’t be facing deprecation. Its great that roblox is supporting devs that continue to use R6 by giving them a tool to let people keep their r15 avatars in r6 experinces but it would be much better if those games and social experinces used R15 instead.

98% is indeed a lot, however players like game with detailed animations. R15 Provide a lot of these posibilities.

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You seem to be under the impression that R6 is some kind of widely-disliked feature that nobody uses, which is just not true. Roblox’s statement about users staying longer in R15 games is most likely just the result of most big front-page games using R15. Nothing to do with it being R15 or R6. Basing any opinions on a game because of the rig type is extremely immature. I personally prefer R6, but does that mean when I see a game that promotes/enforces R15, I immediately begin to gain a general dislike for it? Absolutely not!


You… do realize people have different styles of avatars… right?? They shouldn’t have to have a reason to change into a different rig type. That’s just their preference they decide on.

People don’t follow the same things you do. Some people like the more simplistic and retro look of R6, some prefer the more realistic and detailed form of R15. That’s their choice to make. They can have their own reason and also, it’s not a worse rig, that’s just your opinion on it which you seem to take it as fact. It’s quite literally a different style and look.

I have seen now a lot of people who have tried to make you realize this and you just seemed to have not at all. What is so hard for you to realize that people can have different opinions and styles for avatars than just yours? I ain’t trying to be rude here at all, that isn’t my goal and I’m sorry if it comes off as that, but there are many people who have tried to tell you this and you just haven’t gotten what they are saying really at all…


Speak for yourself I guess, not everyone shares those views. I for one don’t care for “realistic animations” and as I said in my original post I know I’m not alone in that.

Also did you even read my post? I was saying that in reality 98% is an unrealistic statistic because Roblox recently forced everyone to switch to R15 which means that every inactive account is using it. Even if inactive accounts were removed from the 98% it still wouldn’t be fair to compare R15 usage to R6 because Roblox heavily promotes R15 in general.


Don’t worry I am not basing my opinion on rig type to judge games and i’m not saying that R6 are bad. R6 can be just as great as a R15 game. For exemple Parkour have R6 and is in my opinion the best rig type for this kind of game, mostly played in first person or with shift lock. I think R6 or R15 doesn’t matter for a game, it’s about its playstyle and what is the best RigType for its content. Sorry for the missunderstanding.

The harsh reality is that more people want R15 and Roblox will continue to push for that, whether or not a small minority is upset.

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The adapter really doesn’t like ApplyDescriptionReset(). This could be a problem with my scripts, but I’ve tested them in R6, R15, and with Player Choice and every time it has worked.

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Nothing about this is factual even in the slightest. I recommend learning about and researching topics before making controversial claims about them. R6 appeals to users and developers for as many reasons as R15 does, but I’m not going to bother going into that because you clearly are fixated on your belief here.


The reason that they haven’t gotten what you and others are saying is because it’s bait and they’ve been trolling the entire time. I’ve known about them through their work for years and that’s just what they do. Just don’t engage because it won’t really go anywhere and it’ll just fill up the thread :+1:.


I do agree. 98% is a lie. I’ve seen many inactive accounts that used to use r6 be converted to r15. (My friend’s inactive account on roblox, erik cassel’s account).


The point that we’re trying to make is that the people that like R6 do not only make up a “small minority”. There are many people who prefer R6 over R15, and just because you prefer one over the other does not give you the right to make false claims about the opposite.


I kinda suspected this, but boy do I feel stupid…

it certainly worked as bait i guess LOL

I am not admitting R15 is a better product, but rather that people will gravitate toward it to create avatars as it has more options available. This is purely because those same options have not been made available for R6. Dynamic heads are compatible with R6 and layered clothing is theoretically compatible with R6 as proven by this beta feature.

How can you say that “more people want R15” this is as baseless of a claim as my claim of half the developer community being outraged. Once again, just because a R15 style game has a lot of players does NOT mean the R15 style is preferred by it’s players. And also, where is this stastic of “More people want R15” coming from? Don’t site roblox metrics as that has already been proven to be inaccurate.

I find it absolutely hilarious how you are adamantly defending R15, replying to every post in this thread that even slightly prefers R6. Very interesting how your account join date is 5/26/2023 as well. Is Roblox paying you to reply to people here or something?

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Ah, well thanks for the answer lmao.
Sucks cause I did kinda anticipate this but it really didn’t feel like bait as much lol.

What do you mean I’m making false claims? 2% of users are using R6, that is a minority. Also, I never said I preferred one over the other.

Are we just gonna go round in circles? You’re currently looping your dialogue. R15 allows more options to be available. We should agree to disagree because I’m tired of the same story.

What do you mean baseless claim? Roblox said 98% of users are using R15 that’s literally evidence. Demeaning your point? Not a good look lol

Again I’ve already stated that if people actually wanted R6 then a game would change it to fit their audience’s liking.

Where has this been done?

It’s pretty baffling that a difference of a opinion makes you think I’m a Roblox employee.

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Both types are reasonably fabulous and amazing, so great job on that ROBLOX!

There is nothing terribly wrong with this feature, if you like it, enable it for your experience. If you find it to be terrible and absolutely garbage, don’t add it. (I believe they talked about a certain setting where you can enable/disable this feature.)

I only want to complain about the new R6 adapted rig, the torso looks a little weird, it would be better if it was just one block mesh.

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