R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Oh dear, looks like the teaser in the internal document leak from last year has finally come to fruition…

I’m also not surprised, given justified community criticism of other recent platform updates (here, here, and here), that Roblox has not selected a member of staff to act as a figurehead for the update. Or maybe nobody wanted to carry that burden…

There are many reasons for developers choosing to stick with R6 which Roblox has simply failed to pay attention to here, which are definitely worth noting.

For a start, it is simply a fact that the appearance of many body parts (the default “blocky” look, Robloxian 2.0 etc) is substantially downgraded whilst using R15, which can be attributed to the fact that whilst engineering R15’s initial release (which I was on the platform to see! I’ve been around for a looong time now…), Roblox failed to carefully and intrinsically recreate the original “blocky” R6 look. The result is a rather ugly and bulky default R15 rig, which has never matched the original aesthetic well at all, which is quite clearly shown in Roblox’s imagery:

Issues with bundles when using R15, such as Robloxian 2.0, can be attributed to the fact that the UV mapping on individual body parts do not match their initial R6-based designs, leading to deformities such as badly stretched out classic clothing. This will ruin many people’s outfits, many of my own included. I do not want this.

This is going to break countless games, gears and tools on the platform unless it is sufficiently tested before this occurs. Just replicating the original part names is not enough considering the sheer number of scripts on the platform which are reliant upon moving and rotating these parts to fulfill their function.

This statement cannot be considered to be true unless all of the following statements are true prior to “true” R6 technology being removed:

  • Body parts match their R6 counterparts, in terms of overall “look” and UV mapping with classic clothing

  • There is an option to use the “unified” R6 emulation pipeline on the website on user avatars

  • Animations behave in a 1:1 manner to the way in which they were designed

  • “Classic” Heads should continue to utilise SpecialMeshes with the “unified” R6 emulation pipeline

If these criteria are not met by the time this feature goes live, your statement cannot be deemed true in any regard.

Whilst there are ways of justifying the removal of the original R6 tech stack, this just isn’t it. The simplified structure that R6 uses is, in many ways, preferable to many developers because it doesn’t look “natural” and because it suits their aesthetical design better. Not everything needs to aim to be hyper-realistic.

There is also the factor being ignored here in that many developers simply do not wish for their players to be allowed to wear layered clothing in their experiences. This must be accounted for prior to release.

If Roblox wants to replace the R6 tech stack with an emulated R15 pipeline, it must focus on spending the next few months on ensuring that there is both intrinsic visual and technical accuracy between the emulated pipeline and the original. This needs to be done properly, otherwise almost 20 years of work and carefully crafted development will be lost to time.


What about my Moon Animator animation saves worth hundreds of dollars for my game? I’m gonna lose all of them and get a cheap R6 disguise most likely breaking all the files? Cool, I’ll have them converted to “R6” but I’ll be most likely not able to edit them anymore. Useful feature, but forcing people to use R15 is NOT a good idea… It’s gonna break tons of stuff like morphs and gears, many games will be unplayable.


if developer wants, he can replace roblox animations with his own or with r6 animations, stop this topic maybe?


You can create custom hitbox systems for that if you want, and it’s a bug at the end of the day. It’s not supposed to happen. You’re free to change it to a feature by writing your own systems.


4th time saying this. Animations aren’t everything.



have you ever read the topic? its adaptation, not completely removement


I think it’s safe to say that it’s recommended to keep the thing disabled for now. Not on “Default”.

Hundreds of games can break. I made this model as a compatibility layer specifically for tools and the ragdoll scripts.

It’s not a joke. Switching to R15 is a very hard thing to do and it has its own problems that I cannot bother fixing.

Sadly, I cannot map clothes really well onto the R21 rig, so it’s currently not suitable as a full replacement. If anyone knows how to do this, please inform me!

Oh yeah, the model I made was also for animation support. You’ll be fine.


I have no clue how you have failed to read that they are going to be sunsetting R6 and that this is the first step in doing so

This change means R6 is to be discontinued with R15 being forced - this will break many functions that rely exclusively on R6

The reason why you won’t be “robbed” is because it is just going to be R15…


This is probably the worst update yet. All features of R6 will be removed making obbies and the collision impossible to play


Forgetting about the ‘glitch’ in which older accounts suddenly had R15 and dynamic heads applied, are we?

This has no bearing on the quality of the experience. It’s more likely that more front page games use R15 because it’s pushed so heavily and that’s the reason for this statistic. Drop the bias, please.

That aside this feature is a nice idea in theory but the execution isn’t great. The characters do not behave correctly playing R6 animations, the character physics do not emulate R6 at all and the emulated R6 characters are also weirdly small as mentioned here:

They do just seem… off.

If you truly intend to fully deprecate R6 you need to ensure that the emulated visuals and functionality are identical to the native R6 without exception so you don’t run the risk of breaking older games which have no active developer to fix them.


roblox realism fans: wozers this rthro HD skin morphed texture facial animation++ motion captured movement dynamic skull shape PBR enhanced player model is so amazing look how far we’ve come! i hecking LOVE this technology!!


Nope. The adapter is just a start-off for R6 removement, unless they are going to finally listen the community.


neoclassic kinda breaks down when using this


The collision seems fine, I don’t have any problem with obbies, unless there’s some quirk of R6.

The heads are giant. That’s what is happening here.

Could you imagine a game like Phantom Forces in R15 though? Think about it for a second.


They won’t remove R6 until they have the features to make it so that R15 avatars can work functionally the same for the same purpose.


its only adaption of R6 to R15 though. just know its not supposed to remove R6
though again, the future of R6 is really questionable and thats what am i concerned of. i dont want things to fail catastrophically just because all of a sudden we cant use R6, UNLESS avatar unification takes care of this aswell. adapting game to R15 would be pain in the lower torso if the entire game relied on R6


Well, I think there’s something wrong here. Roblox is removing the R6 humanoid rig type, but why can’t they just use the R15 technology on the humanoid and still have R6 body parts?

It is effectively what my model aims to do, but it doesn’t accomplish it completely. Why does there need to be all these compatibility layers?


Hm, I’ll take a look at it then.

They can simply take an idea from arsenal or make their own, what’s so hard? No need to worry about someone’s else wallet.

Not worried. Just wondering what it would look like.

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