Ragdoll Lagging for Others

Currently, we made a ragdoll system that works fine but the issue we have is that when you watch anyone besides yourself use the feature they lag for a split second when they active the ragdoll and then it eventually shows - does anyone know why this is?

My Client:

Other Clients:


Are you disabling the Motor6Ds in the character when they ragdoll? If so try setting their Part1 to nil instead and set them back to their original limbs after they unragdoll, it fixed the problem for me.


Just tried it and didn’t help, unfortunately. How did you go about making yours if you don’t mind me asking?

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From my experimenting, what causes this is manipulation of the RootPart. If you set the RootPart to massless, or disable its Root Motor, then you will get Smooth Ragdolls, at the expense of a Physics Delay. If you do nothing to the RootPart you will get no delay physics replication but a choppy ragdoll unless you set the network ownership of the Player to the Server.


2 yrs later ik but im having the same issue and im wondering if you learn anything new or find a way to make the ragdoll smooth with minimal physics delay? there are many battlegrounds games that can achieve it.

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have a look at this and see if it helps

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