Rain Module + Plugin

Your repro file does not work for me:

It is likely user error (e.g. a mistake in your code base somewhere other than the module, or some other module is interfering), since it does not reproduce for me when using the module in a place of my own.

Feel free to send over a clearer repro file if you believe there still is an issue.

If you can’t find the issue, I recommend troubleshooting with the help of the community in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support .

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I spent the last hour or so reuploading all the sounds that I uploaded to my account so I could use them in my group game and the sound effect in this plugin is the last sound I have to convert

Is it possible to upload the rain sound effect so we can upload it to Roblox or shall we look for our own rain sound effects?

Saw the announcement and I’m working on it – trying to find out if the Roblox account has some rain sound loop uploaded. Someone at Roblox implied that there should be one since they uploaded a bunch of professional SFX/loops.

If you want a short-term fix yeah just go ahead and take the MP3 from the asset and reupload it, I give anyone permission to reuse the sound freely.


To extend, here is a rain loop (titled “Rain loop” under search for “rain”) I found on MixKit that is decently similar for anyone who needs a quick solution right now and cannot wait for roblox to upload more SFX, or cannot obtain the original sound. The license is here, and as far as I understand you should be allowed to use it in your Roblox experiences, heeding some limitations on distribution.

Can’t link to it on the website because there is no dedicated page unfortunately, so here it simply is converted to ogg for ease of use.


Small update: I’m reaching out to a Roblox contact if they can keep this sound from becoming private, since this is a unique situation as it’s used by potentially 150,000 developers (number of downloads on the plugin).

No guarantees this will happen so I recommend everyone to use the sound above if you think you cannot wait / risk it.


The rain effect that this plugin uses has been transferred to the Roblox account. :tada: Thanks to Roblox staff for the assistance here to make sure the 150k people using this plugin are not interrupted.


The ID of the sound has stayed the same, so you should be able to continue using this plugin / this sound without manually reuploading it yourself.

Thanks everyone for your patience.

cc @wish_z


Thanks MokiyRBX for commiting a change to set FacingCameraWorldUp on the rain particles to make them appear more realistic when viewing at a diagonal angle respective to the rain direction:



Pull request:

The module in this thread, the module on Roblox, and the plugin have been updated accordingly.


Hi there, just wanted to give you a heads up—The rain sound effect that you have in the module no longer works due to the audio update.


read again -.-

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It didn’t work, even though it was owned by Roblox. It looks like the issue has been resolved.

I have not made any changes in the past 3 weeks, so this was likely either user error or Roblox was having issues with audio permissions that they resolved. Glad to hear it’s fixed.


Hello, I have a problem with your plugin, when I want to set enable to true this does not work ! :thinking:
Here my script :

	while wait() do
		if Time == "12:00:00" then
			if Summer then
				if math.random(0,5) < 5 then
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(0,50)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 6
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(50,75)
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 6
			elseif Autumn then
				if math.random(0,2) == 1 then
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(50,100)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.713725, 0.713725, 0.713725)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 4
					if math.random(0,10) == 1 and Clouds.Cover > 0.9 then
						game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = false
						Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.458824, 0.458824, 0.458824)
						game.Lighting.Brightness = 2
				elseif math.random(0,5) == 1 then
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(0,50)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.882353, 0.882353, 0.882353)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 4
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(0,25)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 6
			elseif Winter then
				if math.random(0,3) < 3 then
					if math.random(0,3) < 3 then
						game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = false
						Clouds.Cover = math.random(90,100)/100
						Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.45098, 0.45098, 0.45098)
						game.Lighting.Brightness = 2
						game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
						Clouds.Cover = math.random(90,100)/100
						Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.45098, 0.45098, 0.45098)
						game.Lighting.Brightness = 2
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(70,90)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.619608, 0.619608, 0.619608)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 4
			elseif Spring then
				if math.random(0,5) < 3 then
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(30,70)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 6
				elseif math.random(0,5) < 5 then
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(70,90)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.619608, 0.619608, 0.619608)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 4
					game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = true
					Clouds.Cover = math.random(90,100)/100
					Clouds.Color = Color3.new(0.45098, 0.45098, 0.45098)
					game.Lighting.Brightness = 2
					if math.random(0,4) == 1 then
						game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.RainScript.Disabled = false

StarterPlayerScripts is a container that is used as the source for player scripts whenever someone joins the game. The scripts are copied over from there to each player’s PlayerScripts on join and then don’t receive any further changes. You should avoid editing StarterPlayerScripts at run-time for that reason.

Also, run-time changing the Disabled property of the script is not going to have the desired effect. Please use the API of the Rain module for this instead. (require the module and call the respective API, see the documentation)

If you need help with server-to-client interactions like this to disable the rain script, please start a thread in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support , it’s not on-topic here because it’s outside of the scope of the module.


Thank you, I corrected my mistake ! :yum:


Please attach a repro file and describe what you expected to happen and what did not happen; an image is not helpful. Thanks!

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Hello, why when I use Module:Enable() only the sound plays? I tried many changes and i just ended up making a simple script, but it didn’t work aswell, only plays the sound.

local rain = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RainModule"))


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Please see the post above, if you want me to debug anything, I will need a full, minimal reproduction file (a .rbxl file) and a description of what you expect to happen vs what actually happens.

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I created a numbervalue for timescale that edits the timescale of all the particles in the module, why is it when I try to change the timescale numbervalue in a script it doesnt change the timescale of the particles but when i change it in explorer it works

This seems out of scope of the module (e.g. you made some changes and are asking for help to debug those changes). Best go to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support .

Im asking you because I simply used what you made in the module to create a new property or is that still out of your scope

local TimeScale = makeProperty(“NumberValue”, RAIN_DEFAULT_TIMESCALE, function(value)

Emitter.RainStraight.TimeScale = value
Emitter.RainTopDown.TimeScale = value

for _,v in pairs(rainAttachments) do
	v.RainStraight.TimeScale = value
	v.RainTopDown.TimeScale = value

for _,v in pairs(splashAttachments) do
	v.RainSplash.TimeScale = value
