Random gamepass prompt, how to remove?

I don’t have too much scripting experience but how do I remove this popup?

Can you show me the script so that I can help you remove this? Also, it is most likely a free model with a virus in it.


I do not know where the script is in my game.

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Hmm… It’s most likely inside a free model. Sneaky… How many models do you have in your game? Maybe check through some things until you find something fishy. If you need some more help just let me know :+1:


Hey, it may help to locate the script doing this if you type in the gamepass ID and search through every script.

To do this quickly in studio, press CTRL + SHIFT + F, then type in 34063993 The result you get is where this prompt is happening. Simply delete that line of code. If you can’t find it after that, let me know and we will try something else.

Also although this doesn’t stop the issue, you can turn off 3rd party sales in game settings as well.

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That is so smart! I never knew you could do that!


I did not find anything. My game does kinda need 3rd party sales because I also sell my ally clothing in game.

Makes sense, that’s fine. Are you sure you typed in the correct gamepass ID? I edited it to the proper ID as I told you to search for the wrong one originally.

As an alternative, depending on how many gamepasses you have, try to just search for PromptGamePassPurchase as well, it may yield more results but that should narrow it down from there.

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It’s very much possible that the prompt isn’t there, and the script might actually be using require to access a module script outside the game. Maybe if they search for “require” instead?

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This is a possibility and probably most likely at this point, although I would be under the assumption that OP would of noticed random requires on startup in the studio output

If you don’t find the prompt then this is most likely the only possibility as suggested, on top of that you may want to search for eriuqer and other forms of require as well, as I’ve seen people find sneaky ways to hide requires

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I did not find anything sadly.

I’d recommend trying what 8WingedSeraph suggested and seeing if anything turns up.

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Hey there, if you want to find which script is doing this then
View > Find All / Replace All

Search require

If that wont work then search for 34063993 (the gamepass ID)
But what if they have split the numbers?
Then search for :PromptGamePassPurchase

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That did not work. It might be one of my builders with a weird plugin, I am not sure.

Re-check all your plugins and check if they are owned by the right (original) creators.


I checked my plugins but I did not see anything weird.

Did you press enter on the Find All/Replace All window after you typed in what was searched for? That feature doesn’t immediately show results like the Find feature in the Script Editor.

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Yes, and I still found nothing.

It’s also possible to find a suspicious require() function, so search for require( too (without the closing parenthesis).

If you still can’t find it, what were some of the free models you inserted in your place? Maybe you can find the scripts there.

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I found this