Random Talent Hub Page Errors

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open the Talent Hub
  2. Browse around jobs and start clicking on creator’s profiles

Device Info
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Device Info

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_7 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/92.0.4515.90 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
Platform Type: iOS: unknown phone (actually iPhone 12 Pro Max)
Device Type: Phone

Expected Behavior
I expect to be able to visit pages of creators that have their profile public 100% of the time and be able to go to the Talent Hub and access it 100% of the time.

Actual Behavior
Random errors will appear such as “You are not authorized to access the Talent Hub” when I am authorized to access the Talent Hub. Also, when clicking on profiles from jobs, sometimes it will say 404 Page not Found, and then refreshing the page shows that the page is really there.

Video of Page Not Found:

After Refreshing:

Random Unauthorized Error:

Refresh the page until it finally loads correctly

Issue Area: Talent Hub
Page URL: Talent Hub
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Often
Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-07 13:08:00 (-07:00)


It seems that the site had a ‘gateway timeout’ causing it to not be able to check if you were authorised, I don’t think this can be fixed on Roblox’s end, however I may be wrong.

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Hey! Thanks for the report - the site was a bit flakey, but this should now be resolved. Please report back if you see any of these issues persist!


Hey there!

I am still getting the 403 errors that the OP was getting. It keeps going in and out at times, even if I try to follow the workaround. So far, I’ve randomly been unqualified twice today:


Hello! I’m getting the same issue and the workaround that has worked for them does not work for me.

Thanks both for the new reports, the team is investigating.


To follow up -

@TheSuzerain and @PokieDev can you please send me your Network Trace the next time you see a false ‘disqualified’ message?

Please make sure to PM it to me, and not share it publicly - it will include confidential information around your browser and Roblox account.

Much appreciated!


I’d like to confirm I have NOT experienced this issue since. But I will definitely give you the HAR file if it happens again.

Your help has been very much appreciated! Thank you!

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Employers can’t view my profile… Oh Jheezz…

File a new bug report for new issues