Randomizer Update Notes

Update 28/8/2020

New Weapons

  • Spell book (wepaon)
  • BFist (weapon)
  • Deagle (weapon)
  • Life steal (weapon)
  • Blowgun (weapon)

New Melee

  • Spike Fist (melee)
  • Bashful Hammer (Made by @Smokey)

New Emote

  • Distraction (emote)

New Map

  • Airsoft Map (Map)

New Specials

  • Added Claymore (special) [Hard to use]

What’s new?

  • Added spawn in voices
  • Added voices when you die
  • Changed some stuff up to the game (made the game a bit more healthy)
  • Fixed the armor idle animation being played after using the armor


  • Closed tester badge


  • Buffed Katana (faster speed and a bit more damage)


  • Nerfed Bomb destruct radius from 25 > 15


  • Changed FOV from 100 to 110

Update 29/8/2020

Added: Decoy (Specials)

1 Like



  • Calamity (Emote)
  • Russian Kick (Emote)
  • Spooky Month (Emote)

Update 4/9/2020


  • T-Shirt Launcher (Weapon)
  • M412 REX (Weapon) [I don’t own the model]
  • Dash (SPECIAL)
  • Greatsword (gamepass)
  • Funny death effect everyone can hear


  • Buffed blowgun
    ^ Reload time: 1.3 > .3
  • Buffed Gun recoil from 500 > 250
  • Life steal damage from .5 > 2
  • Buffed Double Barrel damage from 10 > 15
  • Buffed Claymore cooldown 40 seconds to 10 seconds


  • Nerfed Bomb destruct from 15 radius to 8
  • Nerfed spell book damage from 35 > 25
    ^ Nerfed burn damage from 10 to 8
    ^ Nerfed burn time from 10 to 5
  • Nerfed Rail Shotgun damage from 35 > 20
  • Life steal health from 1 > .7
  • Nerfed Ball damage from 35 > 25


  • Beach map from letting you out of the map
    ^ Fixed the flickering white color from Xander Poop shop
  • Life steal pushing players that’s being shot back

How to use Greatsword:

  • Press “e” to dash (can’t control)
  • On Xbox! Press “Y” to dash (can’t control)

Developer note: So sorry… but this game can’t be on mobile. It’s hard to make mobile functions and hard to make some gui’s fit for mobile. Reason why I work on Xbox is because Xbox is more easier to work on than mobile. I’m sorry but that’s how it is.
Here’s a List on what’s next on the update

  • Ninja star rework
  • More newer weapon
  • More buffs n nerfs
  • More to come!

Update 9/9/2020

New Stuff:

  • Fist (Melee) [E to roll (COMPUTER) Y to roll (XBOX)]
  • badge item (people who got the closed tester badge) {coming soon!!!]
  • You’re Hired (Emote)
  • Groove (Emote)


  • reworked shield (now it’s better)
  • reworked ninja Star (Better than old star)
  • reworked Greatsword (Made the run time a bit shorter so it’s easier to control)
  • made the map time shorter, hopefully nothing bad happens
  • reworked launcher to rocket jump like ball


  • Attempted to fix the first person glitch when equipping a taunt or something that forces you in first person when you die


  • Turned shift-lock back on


  • USP ammo cap 8 > 12
    ^ same goes with suppressed
  • Buffed M1 Grand spread from 5 > 2
  • buffed launcher rocket speed from 250 > 1000


  • M249 Damage from 20 > 15
  • QBU-88 damage from 100 > 75
  • QBU-88 Walkspeed from 20 > 16
  • Barret 50Cal. ROF from 0.4 > 0.6
  • BFist bullet from 4 > 2

Update 10/9/2020

  • Added Badge Item

Update 17/9/2020

Update 17/9/2020


  • Added Railgun (weapon)
  • Added Slingshot (weapon)
  • Added bow (weapon)
  • Added Chainsaw (gamepass) [E to charge Up and attack (COMPUTER) Y to charge Up and attack (XBOX)]
  • Added Water mark of the current version


  • Nerfed Crossbow arrow speed


  • Buffed Claymore place speed 40 > 15

Update 20/9/2020


  • Mannrobics (emote)
  • Monky (emote)
  • Armor plate (SPECIAL)
  • Block (SPECIAL) [Remember don’t unequip if you want the full length of protection)
  • Spy (SPECIAL) [Remember don’t unequip if you want the full length of invsilibty]
  • M9 (weapon)
  • Conga (emote)
  • Spin (emote)
  • Random Spellbook (randomizes freeze and fire)
  • Pew pew (weapon)


  • Chainsaw charge cooldown 15 > 20
  • Chainsaw Damage from 100 > 10 (you can run into someone and kill them fast anyways)
  • life steal ROF from 0.0000001 > 0.03
  • life steal knock back from 1 > 0
  • Slingshot ROF from .12 > .15
  • Railgun explosion removed
  • Reduced walkspeed from 20 > 16
  • Ball damage 25 > 20
  • Launcher damage from 85 > 50
  • Ninja star from throwing 3 times to 2 times
  • Ninja star throwing cooldown from .15 > .3
  • When using a health kit, you walk a bit slower to heal


  • Chainsaw charge time 4 > 2.5
  • Chainsaw rage time 8 > 10
  • Crossbow arrow no longer lobs
  • Railgun has a slight recoil
    ^ No charge up time
    ^ Mag cap from 6 > 8
  • Vest HP from +100 to +150
  • No T-shirt Launcher Recoil
  • T-shirt Launcher damage from 25 > 30
  • T-shirt Launcher ROF from 0.33 > 0.3
  • T-shirt Launcher projectile speed from 250 > 300
  • Bizon ROF from .1 > 0.08
  • Bizon Damage from 15 > 18
  • Bizon Spread from 20 > 15
  • Bow can set players on fire (has a 10% chance)
  • Blowgun no longer lobs
  • Removed bullet decal (prevent lag)
  • Removed ninja star beam (prevent lag)
  • Removed ragdoll (prevent lag)
  • Fixed railgun knocking players really far
  • Aug re-aniamted and rework
  • Removed claymore (really buggy)
  • UMP rework
  • Changed spawn time from 5 > 7 (prevent spawnkill and allowing the game to resapwn you)
  • Changed forcefield from 2 > 7 (prevent spawnkill)
  • Changed player count from 16 > 13 (prevent lag)
  • Fixed Xbox users not being able to roll with fist
  • Worked on the game’s health, hopefully it should be ok!


  • Menu
    ^ includes spectate and current version
    ^ Also includes how to play
    ^ can’t be used upon death
  • Few new voices
  • New map (ocean)

Update 20/9/2020 2:38 PM (PST)

  • Nerfed Katana Damage 30 > 20
  • Nerfed Katana swing rate .4 > .6
  • Buffed Greatsword charge cooldown from 10 > 5

Update 20/9/2020 UPDATE

  • Changed up ocean map
    ^ made lava kill on touch
  • Spawn forcefield from 7 > 5

Update 24/9/2020


  • Life-steal damage from 2 > 15
  • Life-steal steal health from 0.7 > 1.53


  • pew pew from doing excessive amount of damage
  • Life-steal ROF from 0.03 > 0.07
  • Random spellbook ice duration from 6 > 3


  • Sword (melee) [Press E to Block on PC Press Y to Block on XBox for a quick amount of time (usefull for certain situation)]
  • Keyboard (melee) [Press E to heal on PC Press Y to heal on XBox]
  • Machete (melee)
  • M4A4 (weapon)
  • M4A1 (weapon)
  • Halloween map (temp. unless perm by owner)
  • Tpose (emote)
  • Helicopter (emote)
  • Tommy gun (weapon)
  • Bloxy Cola (SPECIAL) [Heals you 25 HP, can be used multiple times]
  • Toxic spell book (weapon) [Lasts up to 10 seconds doing 5 damage per .3 second]
  • space gun (weapon)
  • Diamond Pickaxe (melee)
  • Prototype (melee) [No one knows how to get this ;)))]
  • Soup (SPECIAL) [No one knows how to get this ;)))]


  • Fixed Chainsaw absoultly doing NO damage at all or partial damage when swinging
  • Changed the setting down to halloween (spooky)
  • Changed some voice lines not being in the right place
  • Renamed Boom Box to Radio
    ^ Made it as a gamepass
    ^ Radio gives you buffs now when holding it
  • Fixed bomb destruct from blowing people up from 15 studs
    ^ Nerfed range from 15 > 8
  • Added back longer forcefield 5 seconds to 7 seconds [no spawnkilling hopefully]
  • Kinda fixed spawn time?
  • Changed map changing time
  • Gave spy a little effect
  • Fixed kill brick mis-placement in the grass map
  • Fixed kill brick mis-placement in the beach map
  • Fixed people dying or being kicked certain times(?)
  • Added alt-account remover (be 10 days old to play)

What’s new?

  • Some hidden badges
    ^ shhh… gives you something cool :wink: [yeah I got lazy in some places]
    ^ find it, hints are in the description
  • Added credits in the menu
  • Added Rules in the Menu
  • FOG (stays there until halloween is over)

Update 24/9/2020 2:34 PM (PST)

  • Fixed space gun (animations, sound, and UI)
  • Fixed random light glitching out
    ^ Removed spywatch effect
  • Fixed teleporter crashing??
  • Fixed menu
    FIXED menu credit bug, this will occur in new servers


  • Fixed teleporter crashing


  • Fixed prototype damage bug
  • Buffed cereal
  • Fixed teleporter crash?
  • Fixed green area not going in first person
  • Fixed some other stuff that bugged the game
  • Fixed sword blocking forever (hopefully I fixed it)
  • Fixed Badge giving wrong reward
  • also fixed rocket jump badge not being given

Update 2/10/2020


  • MP5 (weapon)
  • Crowbar (melee)
  • Sandwich (SPECIAL)
  • Scar-H (weapon)
  • Chocolate Bar (SPECIAL)
  • Pillow (melee) [Gives you + 200 health with you sleep, takes a good 'ol 10 seconds]
  • Bread Basket (weapon) [Made by: VortextTheBreadMan @VortexTheBreadMan
  • City Map (Map) [Made by: dominikdupa @!dominikdupa, IrishStod @IrishStod]
  • Park (map) [Made by: OPBANNA6666 @Frinx, miggycruz124 @miggycruz124]
  • SpaceMap (map) [Made by: funnykeghan @FunnyKeghan]
  • Kitchen Gun (gamepass) [175 robux]
  • Spooky Badge (BADGE)
  • Witches Brew (gives you + 25 hp) [can stack if drink more] (SPECIAL) (BADGE)
  • Praise The Lord (sorry for different music, roblox sucks man)
  • Claw (melee) [Made by: BOBY3412356 @maro


  • life steal ammo from 1000 > 300
  • Life steal life steal from 1.5 > 1
  • Life steal damage from 15 > 5


  • Radio Jump height from 10 to 25
  • Cereal cooldown from 5 to 4.3
  • Increased speed in some weapons (should be noticable)
  • Prototype heal from 20 > 30
  • Prototype cooldown from 3.5 > 1.5
  • Prototype damage from 20 > 25
  • Bomb Destruct range from 6 > 8
  • Machete speed 20 > 24
  • AA12 damage from 12 > 15
  • Chainsaw rage damage from 10 > 20


  • Removed Random Spellbook
  • Changed Ammo UI
  • Shortened Player count
  • Removed Wall Map
  • Removed Pan
  • Reworked speed
  • You can health stack!
  • Re-animated Mac-10
  • You can Jump Boost stack!
  • Changed up Mannrobics animation
  • Re-animated AA12
  • Highered up chainsaw music
  • Fixed chainsaw not doing or just doing little damage

What’s New?

  • Badge Menu
  • Gamepass Menu
  • Background music (you can mute it in the menu) [Changes on every map change]
  • Status UI next to your health (no burning or being poisoned)
  • Better ban system, the ban I have just server bans
  • Day/Night system in menu (will be removed after halloween)

Version V.0.0.7a

  • Fixed weapons not being able to be used (hopefully)
  • Fixed prototype not having any cooldown when being used

Version: 0.0.7b

  • Nerfed chainsaw damage 20 > 10

  • Nerfed chainsaw rage time 10 > 7

  • Nerfed chainsaw charge up 2.5 > 4

  • Buffed kitchen gun bullet speed

  • Fixed sandwich instant healing (?)

  • Fixed chocolate giving you + 400 hp (?)

Version V.0.0.7c

  • Fixed Health Kit not giving you full health at all
  • Actually fixed chocolate extra health buff
  • Actually fixed sandwich insta-heal
  • Increased sword forcefield time
  • Fixed radio speed + jump boost bug
  • Fixed some other major bug in the game which causes the game to not work (kinda)
  • Removed dash camera effect

Quick Hotfix

  • Fixed radio giving a speed boost when unequipped

Update 8/10/2020


  • Laser Ak-47 (weapon) [Made by: xCHR0NOS @Deleted User]
  • Laser Rifle (weapon) [Made by: xCHR0NOS @Deleted User]
  • FMG-9 (weapon) [Made by: OPBANNA6666 @Frinx]
  • Lightsaber (melee) [Made by: BOBY3412356 @maro]
  • Impact Granade (weapon)
  • Quad Shotgun (weapon)
  • Warehouse (map) [Made by: CallMeMatt @MattWAV]
  • Holy Badge
  • Cross (ONE TIME USE!! GIVES YOU 500 MAX HP!!) [This will be very hard to get] (badge item SPECIAL)
  • Scifi_Space (map) [Made by: Standito @Deleted User]
  • Laser Tag (map) [Made by: Standito @Deleted User]
  • Bloxy Cola2 (SPECIAL) [Bomb destruct but better]
  • Wrench (melee) [Made by: BOBY3412356 @maro]
  • Donation GUI (Menu)


  • Kitchen Gun damage 50 > 35
  • Kitchen Gun spread 3 > 6
  • Kitchen Gun ROF .25 > .3
  • Witches brew cooldown 3 > 7.5
  • Prototype heal 30 > 25
  • Cereal health 15 > 10
  • Pillow max health 300 > 250
  • Chainsaw Cooldown 20 > 21
  • Chainsaw charge up walkspeed 10 > 5
  • Chainsaw rage speed 40 > 37
  • Removed sandwich eating two times
  • Fist roll speed duration .8 > .6
  • Witches brew max health 5 > 15
  • Pillow sleep time 10 > 7
  • keyboard type time 5.5 > 4.5
  • Chainsaw rage time 7 > 8.5
  • Chainsaw damage 10 > 14
  • Chainsaw Charge up time 4 > 3.2
  • Greatsword charge up time 0.433 > 0.2
  • Greatsword no longer inflict damage to you when you hit a wall
  • Greatsword no longer blind you when you hit a wall
  • Greatsword damage 65 > 75
  • Greatsword swing rate: 1.5 > .8
  • Sandwich heals 50 > 75 hp
  • Fist roll speed 35 > 45
  • Diamond Pickaxe damage 35 > 40
  • Diamond Pickaxe speed 20 > 24
  • Greatsword Charge damage 750 > INSTA-KILL (except people that is godded)
  • Machete 100 > INSTA-KILL (except people that is godded)
  • M412 Rex Damage 35 > 45


  • Fixed image from being big(?)
  • Fixed health UI from increasing too much if having lots of health
  • Fixed Vest and armor plate not being removed when being used(?)
  • Removed Dash (roblox broke it pretty good. I’m so sorry)
  • Changed forcefield duration from 7 > 70 seconds
  • Moved bomb destruct from emote to SPECIAL
  • Changed MaxAmmo on some guns from 250 > 500
  • Resound Crowbar
  • Renamed gamepass to store
  • removed ocean map

What’s New?

  • New music
  • Reworked credit menu
  • Added a reminder in How To Play
  • Added more rules in the rule menu
  • System to where if you equip a tool, your forcefield gets removed B) [except emotes]
  • When you join the game, the menu gui blocks your screenn (kinda) to go to the menu and disable it. [This will show people to read the rules etc…]