Rarity or Exclusivity

Hey there! After getting the answer of an absolute yes from this topic, I have decided to, in addition to a loot box system, add a daily item shop to my game! (additional information in the topic above) So, I have a bunch of items, and some of them are more expensive or rare than others of course. In my daily item shop, I don’t want to make the whole idea of a loot box lose its value, so I could have the items appear randomly based on their rarity, instead of just normal randomization. If there was just normal randomization, you could have legendary item appearing all the time at any given day. But then @Planispheric gave me a great idea on how to make my loot box not lose it’s value:

So I could also make an some items exclusive to the lootbox.

  1. Randomization based on rarity.
    a. Not having super good items appear at any given day all the time.
    b. It would be less of a motivation for players to come back if they always knew that something great was always going to be there.
    c. If I added this, then then people wouldn’t just buy all the good stuff at once, defeating the purpose of the whole rarity loot box system!
    a. It would be a lot harder to get better items.

  2. Exclusive Items in Loot Box
    a. It would keep the loot box(a big money consumer) at the center of attention for cool items.
    b. People can’t buy everything from the item shop.
    c. It would keep the the loot box from just being “that other form of getting items”.
    a. It might be really hard for someone to get certain good items.

I would like to know what you think I should do, from this poll, but also from the comments!

  • Randomization Based on Rarity
  • Exclusive Loot Box Items

0 voters

Happy Easter!


Is it fair for me to say both?

Absolute yes to randomization based on rarity, also yes to exclusive items. If you HAD to choose though, I would say exclusive loot box items so that there is more incentive to buy them.

(Congrats on finishing your loot box system btw. Also funny that at the time of writing this there is a 50/50 split in the poll.)

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Thanks for replying, I see what you are saying yeah with having both, maybe I could try that, I don’t know. Especially since ya ha it has been 50/50 for awhile🤣

Happy Easter to you too!

I didn’t vote, because I feel a mix of both would be best. Specifically, what you should achieve here is that while if an item is not in the shop, I want to get a loot box, but at the same time, I want to check the shop for cool stuff.

What I would suggest doing is having your game track how many high-tier items it should give every week, and divide it along the different days (relatively evenly). You could also have some loot box exclusive items, which would add extra motivation to get the loot boxes.

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Ok, I think I might just do both then!

Great idea!

HA :laughing: Still divided 50/50!!!

Imo, if you are going to have both each should have its own pool of items, for instance in Adopt me they use a rotating shop for pet accessories and a loot box for the pets. If you use both for same set of items players might refrain from buying loot boxes and wait until the item appears in the daily shop, like what I do in Arsenal lol.

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