Thank you very much for the help!
I saw the error, fixed it right away lol!
Use math.random and make it check if its between these numbers like
local pet = math.random(100,1)
if pet =<50 and pet => 25 then
-- give a pet that has a chance between these numbers
May I ask how do people have pets display at like 0.00005%
Make it from 1 to 1000 so if you make it check if its 1 then it will be 0.1 chance
There’s a tutorial for this in the Devforum, it is called “Weighted Chance” system.
Glad you fixed your issue.
May I recommend looking into weighted probability? That way, you have more control and fine-tuning over percentage proability rather than having to use a range* of values instead.
For example, the psuedocode could look like this:
local rarityModule = {}
local weights =
["Common"] = 1,
["Uncommon"] = 0.5,
["Rare"] = 0.25,
["Epic"] = 0.125,
-- etc., etc.
-- The ratio of Common to Rare is 1:0.25 = 4:1, which means for every 4 Commons you will on average receive one Rare
-- This allows for strong fine-tuning and knowledge of the odds without having to do unnecessary math
local function rarityModule.grabRarity()
-- do stuff to return a rarity chosen by its weight (you can look this up, it has been implemented many ways in Lua)
return rarityModule
You could even do this to store a lot of information about a given rarity using the table:
local weightsWithExtraInformation =
["Common"] = {weight = 1, value_multiplier = 1, damage_multiplier = 1},
["Uncommon"] = {weight = 0.5, value_multiplier = 2.5, damage_multiplier = 2},
["Rare"] = {weight = 0.25, value_multiplier = 4, damage_multiplier = 3},
-- etc., etc.
Ok, so if say I did (1, 10000) would that make it 0.01%?
I have actually been trying to figure out the best way to do that, as this is somewhat new to me, recently got into the weighted functions and such!
Thank you very much! Really appreciate the help.
Unfortunately, Lua doesn’t have any native libraries that allow for weighted distributions. Someone else posted a link to a tutorial, try checking that.
The Alias method may also be worth reading into
Yes it will do (10000/1 chance )
Interesting, Thank you so much, I feel a bit like I have no brain cells as that seems to make sense. Idk why I never thought you could go higher than 100. I’ve had rarities as low as like 0.009% with just using the (1,100)
You are welcome have a nice day
uuhhh i suggest doing this instead
local rarityChance = {}
rarityChance.Rarity = {
Uncommon = 50,
Common = 25,
Rare = 15,
Ultra = 5,
God = 1,
return rarityChance
Mark the solution if you found one.
I used code from everyones help and mixed and matched. So technically I cant exactly mark which one.
The post which mostly helped you.
Has already been posted above.
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