This tutorial requires a good understanding of Lua!
Hello! Today I will teach you how to make a Weighted Chance System. To those that do not know, this is a system that will do something based on chance. For this tutorial, I will be using a prize system.
You want to start by having a table of prizes and the chances of getting them ranging from 0-1.
Next, you want a Variable called Weight to hold a value of 0.
Now, you want to iterate through the PrizeTable and add the chances to the Weight variable. Times it by 10 because next, we are going to get a random number from our Weight.
Now you have a Weight with all the chances added. Use math.random to get a random number from Weight. Since math.random will not return a value from 0.1-1.8, we had to times it by 10.
Now reset your Weight to 0 and repeat step 3, except now we want to check if it matches our random number.
Basically, a higher Chance, the more likely math.random will generate it.
There you have it, an easy Weighted Chance System! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
This is a great tutorial, although I already knew how to set it up, but here’s how I made mine:
-- Module script:
local Rarities = {
{"Item1", 0.00001}
{"Item2", 0.01}
{"Item3", 0.1}
return Rarities;
-- script:
local Rarities = require(--[[Module script]])
local function GetItem()
local RNG =; -- You could use math.random, this is just what I chose.
local Counter = 0;
for i, v in pairs(Rarities) do
Counter += Rarities[i][2]
local Chosen = RNG:NextNumber(0, Counter);
for i, v in pairs(Rarities) do
Counter -= Rarities[i][2]
if Chosen > Counter then
return Rarities[i][1]
local Rarities = { -- ObjectName = frequency (frequency must be an integer)
Item1 = 1,
Item2 = 2,
Item3 = 100,
local RollTable = {}
for object_name, frequency in pairs(Rarities) do
for i = 1, frequency do
table.insert(RollTable, object_name)
local function Roll() --> ObjectName [string]
return RollTable[math.random(1, #RollTable)]
Although it may look odd, it’s technically completely good and would be faster to write for non-changing rarity tables.
local function roll(t, _a, _b)
and (_a > 0
and -math.random(_a)
or _a < 0
and (select(2, next(t, _b)) >= -_a
and next(t, _b)
or roll(t, _a + select(2, next(t, _b)), next(t, _b)))
or (next(t, _b)
and select(2, next(t, _b)) + roll(t, 0, next(t, _b))
or 0))
or roll(t, roll(t, roll(t, 0)))
print(roll({Common = 100, Rare = 10, Legendary = 1}))
local function roll(t, _a, _b, _c)
return not t and (tonumber(_c) and _c>_b and _a or _c) or (not _c and _a and math.random(_a) or roll(nil, _b, _a, roll(t, _a and _a + _c or 0, next(t, _b))))
print(roll{Common = 100, Rare = 10, Legendary = 1})
In full seriousness, unlike my previous reply, there is a better way to do this.
Here is my version of it:
local Rarities = {
Common = 0, -- 60% chance
Rare = 0.6, -- 30% chance
Legendary = 0.91, -- 9% chance
Mythic = 0.99, -- 1% chance
local function PickRarity()
local Index = math.random()
local HighestRarity = "Common"
for RarityName, Value in pairs(Rarities) do
if Index >= Value and Value >= Rarities[HighestRarity] then
HighestRarity = RarityName
return HighestRarity
for i = 1,100 do
When using math.random, it will return any number between 0 and 1. The dictionary of rarities stores values that require math.random to be greater than or equal to the value in the dictionary. For example, if you want a rare item (from my example), then you would need the random value to be at least 0.6, but less than 0.9 (so that it’s still rare, and not legendary or mythic).
This simplifies rarities and easily allows for adjustments at any time.
@loleris Not sure if you use the initial method you posted long ago, but this may be a better alternative to prevent memory buildup.
local function roll(t, _)
not _
and roll(t,{0,next(t)})
or _
and table.move({_[#_-2]+_[#_],next(t,_[#_-1])},1,3,#_+1,_)
and #_%3 == 0
and roll(t,_)
or _[1] == 0
and not table.move({math.random(_[#_])},1,1,1,_)
or table.move({},1,1,#_-#_%3+1,_)
and _[#_] >= _[1]
and _[#_-1]
or table.move({_[1]-_[#_]},1,1,1,_)
and not table.move({},1,3,#_-2,_)
print(roll({Common = 100, Rare = 10, Legendary = 1}))
local alias_table = {}
function alias_table:new(weights)
local total = 0
for _,v in ipairs(weights) do
assert(v >= 0, "all weights must be non-negative")
total = total + v
assert(total > 0, "total weight must be positive")
local normalize = #weights / total
local norm = {}
local small_stack = {}
local big_stack = {}
for i,w in ipairs(weights) do
norm[i] = w * normalize
if norm[i] < 1 then
table.insert(small_stack, i)
table.insert(big_stack, i)
local prob = {}
local alias = {}
while small_stack[1] and big_stack[1] do -- both non-empty
small = table.remove(small_stack)
large = table.remove(big_stack)
prob[small] = norm[small]
alias[small] = large
norm[large] = norm[large] + norm[small] - 1
if norm[large] < 1 then
table.insert(small_stack, large)
table.insert(big_stack, large)
for _, v in ipairs(big_stack) do prob[v] = 1 end
for _, v in ipairs(small_stack) do prob[v] = 1 end
self.__index = self
return setmetatable({alias=alias, prob=prob, n=#weights}, self)
function alias_table:__call()
local index = math.random(self.n)
return math.random() < self.prob[index] and index or self.alias[index]
sample = alias_table:new{10, 20, 15, 2, 2.3, 130}
Can’t seem to get this working, maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Code returns nothing.
function WeightedRandom.RandomFromWeightedTable(OrderedTable)
local Weight = 0
for _, Chance in pairs(OrderedTable) do
Weight += (Chance * 10)
local RanNumber = math.random(1, Weight)
Weight = 0
for Piece, Chance in pairs(OrderedTable) do
Weight += (Chance * 10)
if Weight >= RanNumber then
return OrderedTable