Rate my Banners

I made these banners for my portfolio, however keep in mind they are just some simple and fun GFX to replace boring text so don’t expect too much. My favourite is the Payment banner, tell me yours!


Absolutely no issue with it. It looks good, really sleek look. I like the purple touch, well since it’s my favorite color.
The only note perhaps is the TOS Banner, maybe changing the yellow color to Purple and a little transparent, like the text in the Payment banner. Other than that, it’s really good. Well done.


Changed the TOS banner.


Lovely banners, only complaint I might have is the lack of interesting poses, perhaps some perspective- or more dynamic poses could work :slight_smile:

Cool, but the person doesn’t look like your avatar, might want to switch it.

They look great but just seem to dark.

Maybe add some more lighting to the scenes. Use cycles for rendering instead of eeevee.

Great for a start, but the same Character gets a bit too repetetive, I would change it up a little!

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Looks great! Would recommend using a rig though because the character poses look stiff with the R6 avatar. Great work!

The contact one is my favorite. I like the black relaxing background of that one, and the telephone model looks amazing.

I think they’re too big. I’d recommend cropping them to at least half of the height, otherwise people will have to scroll further and put in more effort to view your portfolio (which is definitely not what you want).

There a lot smaller on my portfolio. I just put them full size so you guys can see it better.

That’s the avatar of my player acc, this is my business acc.