Rate my build. x/10

I’d like to hope the same. Thanks for the clear up.


This is actually nice! I like the abandoned house idea, however, I think you should remove the outlines for the chairs, and you should probably get a scritper for cheap, and make the light go off then on like there is barely any bulb light left. But, if not, reduce the lightening. With the light being so bright, it looks like a old house, just messy.

But overall, I give you a 8.5/10
Good Job! xKa_stel


I don’t mind who replies to this, but how did you do the lighting? I understand you used a shadow map, but how did you get the sun to pierce through the windows like that? So amazing! 8/10.

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Solid 10/10 to me. Exceptional work!

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Get a PNG image or remove the background in photoshop, it’s easy.

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For me it would be a 9.5/10 It looks really amazing.

But as harule stated, the light is pretty bright for an abandoned room.

Maybe make the light a bit darker to make it really feel like its abandoned.

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This looks really nice! :+1:


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Amei isso! Fez um otímo trabalho!
30/10 :smiley:


Well, you’re not allowed to rate works out of 10 (as it’s spam) I’ll just say I have no words to how amazing this is. I probably could never build anything like this so 9/10. One thing i’d improve, in my opinion, would be the neon bricks from the light source, from the sun.

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Wow! This has to be the best build I have seen overall! You have lots of talent and potential when it comes to building! I like the how you managed the light, the textures are amazing, and overall, the build is just really good!


This is actually really amazing… I rate 10/10… It looks like something right out of Unity for an ultra realistic build…

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Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum - #14 by Roblox In the forum rules this is concidered spam to ask people for a rating out of 10 for those who do not know just ask for [FEEDBACK]


This was made in 2019. I don’t know why people are still replying to this topic.