Rate The Tree I Made?

What do you guys think of my tree?


It looks nice but you should improve the trunk…



Thanks got it ill improve the trunk of the tree :grinning:

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That’s a great tree you have there! Instead of using blocky leaves on the branches, I think the leaves on the branches could use some more detail, kind of like what you did for the top of the tree.

Really great improvements to your game as well so far!


I’d suggest you improve on your leaves, as they look pretty flat up on the top.

While your leaves are like a line, real trees tend to become more half circle-ish the more they grow. Here’s an example.

(Tree fractal)

Try to adjust to reach a more sphere like shape.

Looks great, though.


ok ill see how i can improve the leaves thanks :grinning:

Yeah, you’re right about leaves. Leaves should be round:+1: :grinning:


I would make it larger. If you have a large place, then small trees won’t have the same effect as large, chunky ones.

For the trunk, I recommend using cylinders and curving them inwards to produce an effect like this. I’m unsure if you’re acquainted with Blender, but it would be a very good idea to learn how to use it if not because it opens up several avenues on how to make meshes.

Also, the blocky leaves on the side make very little sense in comparison to the more rounded top.

And if you do have larger trees, it would be more prudent to give detail to the bottom more than the top, as the camera will be pointed more in that direction.

The tree trunk should also be more curved. It is perfectly straight which is inaccurate and unrealistic.


its a big improvement from my old one


Looks quite good. The leaves seem a little “unnatural” around some edges but that’s just being really critical. The trunk is nice but again, you could still definitely improve. Still, good job and I love the simplicity of it!

thanks i also hate that dev forum says please put 50 letters when i just want to say thanks

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The idea is that each post is valuable and worthwhile. Ergo, no need to say thanks to everyone who replies. :laughing:

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Trees at the background seems better to me. :+1::+1:

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yes do they but you also need a variety of trees more then just two models.

Hmm… If you know how to make more of them you can make other types of that tree. Because if you want a realistic one that tree looks realistic enough for me…

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I would say add more shape to the top leaves as it’s flat and looks more of a wall shape. For example the top one should be broken up into pieces (At least 3-4) and resized differently, rather having only 1 part covering the tree. The small leaves show also have more shape, unless that’s the design you’re going for.

The trunk should also have more details and shape, add small curves, or linear, and the branches should have at least 2 parts that creates a linear shape. You should also add a stalk at the end of the branches which creates more realism.

All of this would decrease the blocky shape. I recommend using Blender, it’s very useful to learn it, as it will increase accessibility on making meshes, there is a lot more in Blender, but that’s a different situation to talk about.

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i do have some others on me.

Trees are just another obstacle if we go about modeling. There are two ways you can make a tree.
1 - Lazy Way
2 - Detailed Way
Your tree is made on lazy way. You just made a “main” trunk and then grow other branches and on these branches you made a bunch of leaves. That’s the simplest way to make a tree, but you are probably not satisfied or amazed by it.
However going the detailed way is much better and simpler too!
You can start by making a small trunk, for example half of yours main trunk. After that you can extrude maximum 3 after-main branches which will be main for other branches on them. After these “after-main branches” you can extrude or add more branches and more in same process.
First of all you need to be satisfied of the skeleton of that tree you are going to make.

By skeleton I mean tree’s look without of leaves ( only trunk and branches ). Once you like your “skeleton”, you can start placing some leaves on small branches.
I recommend placing leaves on the side and on top of the branches.
However, if you don’t want to spend a lot of your time on placing every single leaf on the each branch, just make a weird cloud shape for bunch of leaves and cover it over these branches.
Instead of making one bunch of leaves on the top, you can add more like 2-3 bunches to look more optimistic.

Edit: I forgot to mention this main thing. You must add a good - looking “root” to make this tree look like it’s actually “welded”, if I can say it like that, to the ground.
Here are few pictures that could inspire you!


They look great with the map… AT least in my opinion…


i made some roots i think it makes it look better what about you guys?