RBX Toolbox (Free Blender Addon)

Hi All modelers and Developers.
When i had been accepted into Roblox UGC program i had created an addon for Blender that simplified my workflow. Later on i decided to share it for everyone. Now it is 99% polished version 3.0 with the most requested features and commonly used templates.

Download from Github: RBX Toolbox
In releases tab Look for the file named 'RBX_Toolbox_vX.X.zip
Support Discord: Discord

Review by Robuilder

PDF that was in the video:
RBXToolbox_v.4.2_manual.pdf (1.0 MB)

New features added in v.4.0:


Character clothing:


RBX Toolbox full features list:

Import From Roblox:
One of the most popular and requested feature. You may import a Roblox player avatar as well as the accessory direct into Blender.
Credits: Huge thanx to the RoAPI discord for their amazing Wiki, which let me crearly understand on how to get the data from the Roblox through API and the help from the members on some of the codes. Also im using their code snippet to get the server number from CDN hashes.
RoAPI Discord: Discord

HDRI and Templates:
A tool to Append and set HDRI for renders

Accessory Bounds:
(These templates are now included in the addon since the UGC are now public)
1 click spawn the bound that you need to verify your Accessory is within boundaries. Some boundaries are obsolete and do not tally 1:1 with the current Roblox ones, so just use them as a reference.
Credits: Base Taken from Guilded UGC programme and modified/retextured. I do not want expose the guy name here for his privacy. But if you are that guy and want the name, or other info to be reflected here - let me know, i will change it.

Quick spawn of Dummy template
Dummies: R15 Blocky, R15 Boy, R15 Girl, R15 Woman, Rthro Boy, Rthro Girl, Rthro Normal, Rthro Slender
Credits: All dummies were exported from Roblox

R6 Rig: Quick add of the R6 rig which you may easily retexture and use for your renders/animation
Credits: Rig is shared by Nuke in Youtube. Here is his tutorial on the retexture as well: HOW to make ROBLOX GFX in BLENDER! | BLENDER TUTORIAL 2022 - YouTube
R15 Woman Rig and R15 Blocky rig
Credits: Rigs are taken from Roblox Github (GitHub - Roblox/avatar: Avatar templates and assets available to our external developers)

Quick spawn of Dummy Heads templates (Requested by hair and hat creators):
Heads: Classic, Woman, Woman v2, Man, R6
Credits: All dummies were exported from Roblox
Quick spawn of hair mesh template: Add hair mesh template for novice hair creators
Credits: This were created by me, so you may use it for your creations

Hair shader:
Added hair texture shader to create simple hair textures, adjust the color, hair strends, etc then bake the image and save it
Credits: This were created by me, so you may use it freely for your models or renders

Layered cloth:
Quick spawn of Commonly used Cages + Some samples of ready made accessories (From Roblox help files)
Default Mannequinn, R15 boy, R15 Girl, Woman, Man, Classic Male, Classic Female, Blocky
Credits: Blocky cages were taken from Roblox DevFoum (1.0 [Blocky] Layered Clothing - Resources)
All other cages are from Roblox online help files (Creating Layered Models In Blender | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)
and Roblox Github (GitHub - Roblox/avatar: Avatar templates and assets available to our external developers)


  • Quick spawn of 4 cameras that already preset to following:
    Front, Back, Left, Right views
    1080 x 1080 resolution (you can change that)
    Quick set each camera as active and preview it (adjust)
    Quick render selected view

Animation (Advanced):

  • Quick spawn of Armatures already adjusted for each character
  • 1 click Normals Recalculate (Outside)
  • 1 click cleaning Double vertices
  • 1 click parenting (Auto Weight Mode)
    Instructions are inside the toolbox Animation tab
    Credits: Armature basic were taken from Blender Built-in Rigify addon and modified for Roblox models.

Quick Functions:

  • Quick Backface Culling Option
  • Show face orientation button
    Quick access to show face orientation + buttons to recalculate normals inside and outside.

File Export:

  • UGC Item Export (Export accessory as FBX)
    This will do a few operation in 1 click:
    Apply all transform,
    Set Origin to Geometry,
    Select Correct Object types,
    Preset FBX export settings for 1:1 model import in Studio
  • Layered Cloth Export (Export LC as FBX)
    This will do a few operation in 1 click:
    Set Path mode to Copy,
    Select Correct Object types,
    Disable Bake Animation,
    Disable Add Leaf Bones,
    Preset FBX export settings for 1:1 model import in Studio

As long as im still in UGC, i will try to support it as much as i can :smiley:


So you made blender in roblox studio?
How legendary!!!

Tbh I like these features, I will definitely use this if I ever get into the UGC Program



seems quite useful even if you don’t do UGC I’d say! could be useful for animations or GFX.


Ya, it uses equirectangular textures to make the sky. Actually i saw a few more, but the good ones are usually big size, so in order to keep addon small i keep 3 low quality. The thing is once you create one of the sky from addon - you already have UV mapped sky mesh and the world nodes set, you can just add your own high quality image there.

Yeh, aim was not only for UGC, the rigs, hdri, bones, etc are mostly for rendering stuff.

Just feedback should you have other features ideas to be added. Will try to add it if its not so complicated. My coding skillz are from Google and YT, so just making what is within my capabilities lol.

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Underrated. This is very useful on getting in the most efficient workflow in terms of UGC/Animation. Vouch!


As a former GFX artist (IK this is for UGC) this would be so helpful! You have a lot more potential the just UGC.

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Wait, so this is only used in blender? I for some reason thought I could just this in Roblox studio.

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Yass, its a Blender addon. Not studio Plugin.
You might though this because of this image

But this one i created in Blender for renders, so it looks like Studio :rofl:


This seems to be a really useful tool to me! I’m surprised no one has really clicked this topic yet. :pleading_face:

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This is crazy, I cant believe someone hasn’t came up with something this useful! I definitely going to get it, and for sure going to use it. THANK YOU!!!

This is also extremely(as if i didn’t emphasize it enough) useful because my main goal this year is to get into the program


Yeh, it should help. I progressively added those items that I also struggled with for UGC at the start.

Hey there! I am really excited to try this out, but once I downloaded the files I’m not sure how to get into Blender add-ons.

Hi. Its very simple, inside Blender on top go to Edit - Preferences
Select Addons (on the left)
Select Install (on top)
find the zip file you downloaded and press OK


After setting Blender up to use Roblox’s units (centimeter length and 0.01 scale), I used this plugin to confirm that everything is properly scaled to Roblox! I exported some models, including a version of my avatar scaled to my experience’s “adult” scale (which I compared to the plugin’s R15 woman), and it all looks correct on the baseplate here.

Though it isn’t mostly this plugin, this’ll help with sizing objects proportionally to Robloxians.

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Thx for checking it out… Ya, i keep all the sizing, that was the initial idea to have something in Blender to compare for proper proportions when creating something.
I like to work with 1.0 scale, this way added meshes wont come up giant planes and cubes, then when export it - just set the scale in FBX options to 0.01 (Or use File export option, already preset for this)

PS. i was struggle initially to size up items for Roblox, got to rescale them in Studio after importing. But with the dummies there - now no issues, just design your item based on the dummy proportions and it will be 1:1 in Studio later. ))

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Whoa… It’s that easy? That’s convenient. I guess Blender’s unit scale has to be 0.01 when importing OBJ files created by Studio (so they’re scaled correctly) but any other time, I can just leave it at 1.0 then set the export scale to 0.01? That’s good to know.

Same! In the past, I just made models at whatever large size that I was making them at without knowing it. I actually only started properly scaling in Blender once I read up about the scale in Roblox’s documentation.

I actually did use the R15 woman dummy from the plugin when I was scaling a commissioned tool model for someone, and it did help! I also used it to make sure the OBJ imports from Studio were accurately scaled (they were).

I’ll probably just use my own dummies for size comparisons since my experience has four specific “age” sizes, and the adult is a bit taller than the standard woman. (Comparing them here, I do like how the woman dummy has her arms out instead of the unnatural default R15 pose.)

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This is so poggers, I love it.

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It is the other way around, Roblox is in Blender, for GFX/UGC work as shown.

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Haha, they are so cuties… Wanted to recommend something that i usually do in the similar situation, but your models are different, so not sure if it will help.
I have cases when i adjusting items for comms in a different scale, or making LC hand toys (long to explain, not important) - so i still spawn same dummy but then i play with the scale values step by step till i get exactly what i need, then i just record it down somewhere. Next time i need - i just scale it again with the values i already found…
Another thing is - you can google/YT on how to create Asset library in Blender and add them as your asset. Next time you can also do 1 click spawn when you need it.

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(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)

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