RBXAdmin Release!

So you make an admin system without knowledge of Lua?

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And, I’m planning to add more stuff for 0.2. I firstly have to get some tests working, I will add a /admin (PLAYER) and admins that you could change inside the script; please, tell me feed back

I do know but I haven’t really thought about it, and yes, I have basics of lua xD

Oh i thought you meant you did not know how to make a datastore.

I do but I literally always have to mess up.

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Hello, I think you forgot to put a link

Oh, thanks for reminding me xD eeeeee

Everybody, I know the admin is very easy and kinda sucks but I will try

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You wouldn’t need a datastore to do this, in your code you can use a table like so:

local ModeratorUserIDs = {1, 2, 3,} -- Change numbers to real user IDs

      if table.Find(ModeratorUserIDs, player.UserId) then
            -- Show that UI by firing a remote event to the client.

No, I’m talking about a /admin [PLAYER]

I’ll use HD admin or Nanoblox. Great work!

What’s up everyone, I will be remaking RBXAdmin today. The update may come out sometime, but I will post when it does. What will I be adding? So, I will (try) to make it so you can do “/CommandGoesHere f” and not “CommandGoesHere funnyfunns”, also, I will do a “/CommandGoesHere me, /CommandGoesHere all”.


Why should we use RBXAdmin over other well-established admin command systems? What advantages does it have over other admin command systems? What can it do that others cannot do?

I mean why is there even Khols if you can use HD? It really dosent matter if your model stands out or is better but it’s fun while waking and I learn alot from it. And also, the creators of those good admin commands know pretty much everything and I’m just trying to make atleast a model that I can build. I may not know everything but I try :slight_smile:

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Each system has its own benefits, but this one is unfinished, the code quality isn’t the best, relies on the game being published, and won’t even correctly account for the case where the game is under a group, in that case game.CreatorId will return the group ID, so not even the owner of the group can use this on their own game.

if plr.userId == game.CreatorId then -- .userId is deprecated by the way

The commands are also just built into the Chatted listener, and it’s overall really hard to add your own commands in.

I recommend taking some inspiration from SimpleAdmin, while I don’t use it myself I’ve checked out its API and it allows for easy extension upon the original thing.

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Yeah I see no way on how to get a owners name beside game.CreatorId. And as I said I’m working on a better version

And I don’t know of any other way to see commands being called in

I didn’t think people used admins in their games anyways? Damn, ok.

I do like to use my own solution with simple ban / kick stuff, but this works fine for anyone who doesn’t want the HD or Kohl’s Admins logos in them.

You can see if the game type is a user or group. This is what I did in my admin commands system:

--///// Adds the creator of the group / game to the admins table. \\\\\

if game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.User then
elseif game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.Group then
	local groupId = game.CreatorId
	local gs = game:GetService("GroupService")
	local group = gs:GetGroupInfoAsync(groupId)
	local owner = group.Owner
	local creator = owner.Name


I didn’t use UserIds for my admin system, so the code will have to be edited a bit. The “admins” table is a table where everyone’s names are stored that are an admin.

I’m not sure why this was created, what does it do different than any other admins? I personally think if you are going to make an admin, you should add special features that nothing else has.

I’m not sure why Khols admin was createdm what dose HD Admin have that Khols dosent? Honestly, at this point I wil wuit RBXAdmin