RDC 2021 - See You This October!

This is sadly relatable. I can’t get the vaccine either, so this year has to 100% be a pass for me. It is important to keep in mind that there are very legitimate reasons some of us can’t get vaccinated even if we want to. Plus with the Delta Variant I’m still not 100% comfortable travelling anyway.


Hi how do you get invited I prob won’t be eligible to come but just for the future how do you get invited?

In the post it says they will send more info about invitations in the coming weeks!

Awesome! Glad we’re finally breaking out of this dang pandemic.

It’s always a small chance because of how many people are in the dev forums. Plus limited supply of tickets. But I’m sure we all a have a chance to get to go!

I’m glad to hear that RDC is back however I have an issue.

This is incredibly upsetting since I’m sure there are plenty of developers that are skeptical in being vaccinated, especially since it was developed so fast! Please at least allow non vaccinated developers to go, it feels incredibly upsetting that your forcing people to have it to attend in person, surely there can’t be a workaround of non vaccinated people having to take extra precautions (for example wearing a mask)?


How is a vaccine being developed so fast a bad thing? If anything, that is something to be happy for. It obviously had to be tested before being distributed at large scale. If you can’t because of allergy/some other medical reason, then that is understandable.


If you are unwilling to be vaccinated or have not been vaccinated, you are dangerous and at risk around crowds of people while there is still significant risk. You should consider public events only when circumstances change, or your stance on the matter changes. :slight_smile:

There will be people there from different states, and even countries. It is irresponsible to visit if you are not vaccinated, because you are prone to spreading the virus to these people and to where they came from, as well as bringing it back with you.


Nice, not vaccinated though so slide that invite only

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Well when you get vaccinated for Covid-19 you get a card (and it’s added to your vaccine record) so he’s saying that he may not remember where he put his card.

Welp good luck to the developers who get invited!! Some day I hope I get invited lol

I’d love to attend this year, but if I was given an invite, the vaccine requirements will be an inability to my attendance. I’m genuinely hoping these are lifted, since I’ve already seen other developers also deciding against attendance.


It’s really simple, if you are invited and don’t want to get the vaccine out of pure stubbornness you should not attend in-person and they should not change it because a small group of individuals are wanting to put everyone at risk. You can still attend RDC if invited, just not in person.


Ayy! Super exciting, hopefully this year I’ll receive my first ever invite :pray:

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Glad to see that RDC is happening this year! I have one question though: what decides if someone is invited?

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Exciting opportunity for those who will be invited. Hoping applications will open for those who have not gotten the chance of the invite.

If you’re in the US your vaccination card.

I don’t think we should have a in person event just yet but I would still attend it.

I also think the in person and online event in a great idea for those people who can’t attend in person and it would allow more people since more people been wanting to attend.

See you then! :smiley:

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SO ANYWAYS, WHO IS EXCITED FOR RDC!!! how is everyone’s day, how are you doing in general :sunglasses:


Super excited!!! If invited, this will be my first RDC. :star_struck: