RDC 2021 - See You This October!

I believe they will be streaming the event.

They have done it in past RDCs

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Wow no puedo esperar mas para el evento :laughing:


Yayyy :smiley: I dont have to be popular

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I mean… their game is the most popular right now, so yes.


I absolutely cannot wait to see some of you guys this year! I have a few questions though:

  1. What food options are there?
  2. Are there any presidential suites near by for a few of us top earning devs to stay at?
  3. Can we pay with btc?

Thank you, good luck to the rest of you getting invites! :smiley:


I wonder if the virtual RDCs will become a standard thing now. Many people that would wish to go to RDC but cant because travel laws.


i have never intended rdc before so i really wish i could attend this year ! might be even able to try the in person one IF my country and my parents allow me to travel. but i’m gonna be happy even with the virtual one !
i really want to thank you guys for making it both virtual and in person as thats giving us enough option in these particular cases were having !

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This is wonderful, I’ll most definitely be coming.

Can we apply for invites this year for in-person? I’d assume not many people would go and if you didn’t open applications it may have the possibility of being a very small RDC

I’m assuming that if there are any in-person tickets left, they will allow people to apply for those but that’s if any are left. They sell those on a “first come first serve” basis so I personally suggest that you should not have your hopes up for that.

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How do you even get invited in the first place is it based on how popular you are as a developer?

I know I was just wondering, I don’t even live near the venue.

I’m joking bro, you will get invited don’t worry about it. This Cart Ride Into Olivia Rodrigo - Roblox is one of my favourite games to play with my sister :smiley:


Just to make you feel better, I’ve been invited to every RDC that has ever happened, and I’m not even an active developer. Don’t worry


2 Moderna doses strong here, hoping for an invite! Can’t wait!

Remember to wear your mask please

Must show proof of vaccination
and follow provided CDC guidelines.

If the guidelines say so, I will. Wouldn’t want to miss my first RDC.

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It’s still a popular game, and the developer is known for said game, so imo they deserve to be invited. Even though it uses free models, it’s still enjoyed by millions daily, which alone is a good enough reason. It makes people happy and they enjoy it, so the developer deserves credit for that.

Sounds fun!! Congrats to the people that are going online & in person

What I’m interested in knowing is how the selection process works. Since it’s invite-only, how will you be un-biasedly choosing big and small developers?

(if this was already mentioned then please correct me)

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