Not 100% sure but I think they keep track of interactions with developer relations. For example, when you do surveys, Q&As (for example the level up events), focus groups, etc. And more recently the developer awards, maybe if you’ve received a certain minimum tier of awards like the swag bag or something.
But it might also include personal connections with developer relations members or well-connected developers on social media. Maybe they also invite based on developer forum activity and moderation history.
Going to be honest, small developers usually end up being excluded based on the various complaints. Hopefully they will have applications like previous years to give smaller developers a chance.
Excited to see they opened up the in-person option to us again. This is going to be one very exciting year, hopefully we don’t break tradition and stop attending in person.
The only reason i’d see invite-only being acceptable is this year because of the pandemic and maintaining lower capacity. Invite-only RDC would not be an acceptable long term solution; hopefully, applications will resurface
While I appreciate that the event is still virtual, the days for the event are not convenient at all. Most people have school on the selected days and don’t want to miss out. This could be fixed if the event was pushed a day back (Friday, October 15th - Sunday, October 17th) allowing virtual people to access more of the event.
I really hope the virtual side of the vent still has a lot to do (similar to last year) and being able to interact with those who chose the in-person option and the virtual option (as well as staff members).
Also please have applications for in-person and virtual this year!
Wow seems awesome! But, I’ve never been to one before, I’m 15 so I might go online (unless I can somehow convince my parents to go from home {Ontario} to San Francisco…) Also, what do they mean by, swag?
I’ll definitely attend online RDC, can’t wait to attend my first RDC!
Hopefully QA, Event Organizer, Bug Bounty, and other programs also help you get into the conference. That would be nice as many QA/Bug Bounty program members are not owners of huge games but have made huge contributions to the community nevertheless.
If you can’t even use Discord it is unlikely you’ll probably be invited to RDC in the first place let alone go in person. Not trying to be mean, just being realistic. Last RDC they read over questions asked through a Discord channel. RDC will start by October, you should be able to have gotten Discord by at least then. Chase your dreams !
If you’re on this forum, you’re 13+ (I hope) so go ahead and make an account, especially if you are invited to RDC. If you can’t and/or refuse to sign up for a simple service for an extremely exclusive event, you probably should give up your spot for someone who cares more about RDC.