RDC24: What We Announced

No no no, Please don’t spoil. I want to watch the video first.


You are 6 years late.


There’s definitely some features that are extremely useful and very much needed such as DataStore View, Matchmaking, Real Paid-Access, Cloud API, Better Asset Manager, everything else is… well, not that interesting.

I just cannot imagine FPS and TPS games inspired by CSGO2 or ‘The Last Of Us’ made in Roblox in the upcoming years. I can only imagine a bunch of games that are straight up copies of VR chat.

I think the sole reason actual paid revenue is being deployed, is to incentive developers to not quit and actually make their ‘meta’ vision real. It’s actually very attractive offer.

Yes. VR Chat is Roblox’s Future if you didn’t watch RDC.

But honestly, I’m gonna take my L on this, i have an idea.


These are all cool and all, very excited for a majority of these, especially the audio stuff and genres.

But I never heard anything about this new Unified Lighting technology that was ghost-added to studio very recently.


prolly better fallback of future.


I don’t think that’s the intent, because they added a bunch of other lighting properties in release 641.

Judging by how all other lighting technologies had the “Deprecated” tag on them, then quickly removed, I think this will likely be removing a few more lighting types, not just Compatibility… but that’s just my speculation.


oh, so I think
Lighting.Intent = simple lighting or advanced with gradients
Lighting.Quality = details? like pbr? RenderingFidelity of meshes override?

edit : i guess in 2025 or later we would get the first preview, like FiB (I wasn’t developing in roblox during FiB 1, so this is just a guess)


compat and voxel are definitely getting removed, there too old in the view of roblox
edit : maybe shadowmap also if this new technology has local shadows like future support to older devices


Nice! This came at just the right time for me—I was thinking of bumping my game down to a 20 player server count before release, but with this update and my own script optimizations higher numbers should be more achievable.

I love organizing game development assets for optimal workflow. I’ve already organized assets on my desktop, and I’ll be replicating this on Roblox(where it counts) once this drops.

Always a fan of better visualizations for systems with lots of components. I’m looking forward to this, as understanding micro profilers and performance tools in general is a weak spot for me.

Loving this, it’s giving Steam. I’m gonna reverse engineer the life out of these.

Okay—may be my favorite thing in this post. These data store operations are at the core of most games on Roblox yet tend to be difficult for many developers, including myself, to work with. Nice this barrier-to-entry is about to be lowered decently.

Interesting, looking forward to seeing how this is implemented.

Okay, nice option to have.

Overall, I see a large focus here on updates to development resources that get Roblox closer to being viewed as a more serious platform. Nicely done.


Very much excited about occlussion culling. I’d love to hear more details on it.
It’s a massive improvement that allows dense and detailed environments so that we don’t have to make as much of a tradeoff between visual fidelity and performance anymore.

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Would love a way for players to browse music in game the same way they can browse UGCs via the AvatarEditorService!


This year’s RDC was amazing!
I’m very excited for the new Asset Manager.


New asset manager UI will sure come in handy, and I love the datastores update and the voice-to-text!

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So many massive changes this year, I especially like the TTS possibilities, the new asset manager and the simplere DataStore.
Plus I find it funny and cool at the same time how you can now sell real merch on Roblox.

Love these updates, keep it up guys!

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I hope we don’t have to pay 70€ for games on roblox💀


I wonder how custom matchmaking would work in experience. Also the party feature may be handy for certain experiences especially with the API they are going to use with it. Overall most of the new additions sound great.

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Insane! Can’t wait for the next RDC!

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To be honest this is the worst RDC so far. A good chunk of the “features” presented here are things that specifically feel like bloat (like matchmaking). Not sure why we would need “native” support for things that have no reason to exist within the engine or site API’s. These are features that developers themselves should work to add, not roblox themselves.

Cool, ill take it. But how does occlusion culling reduce out of memory crashes? From what im seeing, this implementation seems to be designed to run in real time at very high speeds, this further indicating that the occluded and to-be-occluded instances still need to be somewhere close in memory for this to even be possible. So how does do that specifically? Does it not load the asset ID’s of occluded instances?
Also what is the overhead for something like this?

Not very exciting to be honest. Yea this is more memory but this is only theoretical memory. This does absolutely nothing to really let developers build something larger than previously possible, rather just gives game servers a little more breathing room which i doubt they would even be able to fully use considering roblox game servers already run on like one or two threads. If a game server with 100 players was struggling before, it’ll be still struggling now too.
Still, this isn’t really a bad idea or a bad change, but right now it really does nothing to let us expand on anything. Most we are getting is just reassurance that servers with a lot of players won’t instantly crash due to the lack of memory.
Would love the base memory to be AT LEAST bumped to over 7-8 gigs.

Also, the AI sucks.


Wow, I’m really excited about this feature! We plan to add matchmaking at some point, and having a high-quality matchmaking API, managed and maintained by Roblox, that allows for easy matchmaking would be a game changer.

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Unfortunately its unlikely they ever will now considering Roblox bought it (Edit: Guilded) and has been integrating it with groups

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