RDC24: What We Announced

I have to agree with you… not that I even play Steam games… but these prices are heavy.
I don’t know who would ever use these… BUT… I am glad that the option is there… which is a good thing.

Guess it can be used for highly premium games… or even championship participation versions of a usually free Roblox game. That is worthwhile having as an option.

As a person from South Africa … $50 is equal to a weeks wages/groceries for the middle to poorer class.
I can imagine the reaction of a parents child asking them for R900 rand to play a SINGLE game !!

But for the competitive players in championships - I guess it’s useful there.


Oh my god, this is the best thing we’ve seen for around a year or two.

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except for Shopify x roblox collarb, all the “game passes in your face games” are going to the next level

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This is massive—though I would be interested to see how well 700-player servers would go even with 41.4 GB of memory (at full capacity). Anywho, I’m surprised how generous Roblox has been with memory here.

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I think your project looks actually really good. Good job on it! But yeah 90%~ of roblox has no chance of competing with even a lot of steam indies. I’m not sure what roblox is exactly expecting. The shares should have been scaled around way lower numbers.

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Yeah 100%. I don’t think it should mater how rich or poor a country is for people to universally determine that something is just not worth it. Its a good idea but the revenue share scaling should be around WAY lower numbers and not for 50+ usd.

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In Roblox’s defence… I did use the high end value… as there is also the $10 premium (R180 rand here) … and not so much if you think of it (comparison = 8 loaves of bread).

So yeah… I believe … many will use the Lowest $10 premium value for their games.
I would love to see who uses $50 for their games… the mega games, the greedy or plain insane ? :sweat_smile:

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Uh…I hope there are no bugs

Are there any plans to update Roblox Studio UI, etc.?

in the livestream itself they talked about ai for over 10 minutes
they expect us to be hyped over the assistant and generative models, when all its doing is promoting the use of unhealthy shortcuts, especially for beginners. Development takes time and commitment, you can’t just ai prompt your way to the top. The only reason roblox is trying anything with ai is so they can jump on the trend, since every other business is doing the same crap

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and we’d need a demo game at least before anyone would even consider buying a game for such an outrageous price :sob:


We want more post processing effect shaders! Like pixelation and more!


agreed, or maybe even the ability to test the color of any pixel on the screen so we can add pixelation manually

Any form of new post processing effects that would be known as a post processing effect and have good performance would be more then enough us adding it manually makes it unoptimized and roblox currently isn’t meant to be ran in a pixelation type of way but i personally think they should consider adding new post processing effects cause it’s been years since we got any new ones.

That’s all i have to say i hope RDC25 has new post processing effect shaders i cant wait for the updates they announced :slight_smile:

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the most recent post processing effect was released a few weeks ago (in beta), but it literally has one tone preset and no way to add custom presets

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I hope that the buttons underneath Home etc. with the new roblox ui stays centered and not to the left


I believe this is to encourage large companies to create games on Roblox, not really for indie developers.

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They replaced compatability with that so

I mean real post processing effects that doesn’t change the color or brightness

Post processing effects that changes the screen in same way kind of a shader of some sort but for roblox games

I’ve been wanting a pixelation effect for years and i’m only saying it here cause i’m hoping the higher ups at roblox would at least hear me and consider it in the future


The community has quite want T2S for a while now, and ah yes, Harmony is totally AI slop.

Specifically what features?

I agree USD$25 is a nightmare. USD option is still a good thing when it’s priced around USD$6.99 (Haha, funny number, shut up)

You will definitely want to use Harmony and Roblox’s dynamic memory allocation.

I’m not a corpo drider and I’ve always attacked Roblox when they were actually just doing bunch of random AI-metaverse corpo bs but wth are you attacking them for this year (aside from ecommerce thing). This will probably be the only time I defend them.


I’m excited for the Voice Commands, This will be very helpful for some games!

super cool updates and the new studio UI is super cool