Re-Creating a Portal Effect,

Is it possible to make round portal instead of use square portal?

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The game Tunneler uses EgoMoose’s effect and they have round portals.

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can you please send me a link to game name Tunneler?

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@EgoMoose Is there any way to use terrain in the portal?

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@Manelin wdym exactly? If you want that terrain is visible through the portals then this is currently impossible, Roblox not support this feature for now. We not exactly knows why, but for now it just was so.

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Looks like the glass glitch to me.


why it’s not available or why they won’t make it available? as for the former, we certainly know why; if we can’t clone terrain into VPFs, we can’t render it. easy.

@Frqstbite I don’t know, I don’t have access to the viewport, so I don’t know how exactly the whole thing is rendered. But what I do know is that Roblox Terrain uses a voxel system. So in other words there are no vertexes (like in parts, meshparts, etc…) but gridposition, an occupancy system and so on. Vertexes work fine in viewport frames, but a voxel based object… I think Roblox would have to change the SmoothTerrainSystem or ViewportSystem completely, so this would cost a lot of money (energy, money, time, etc…) and this won’t take 1 month or 1 year, but surely much more. Unless we create a plugin ourselves to prevent this problem, I don’t think it’s really possible. I hope it was clear enough (and this is just what I think, of course it can have completely different reasons. To get a perfect answer I would simply ask a person who worked on it himself, like zeuxcg (I don’t want to pin him on for something you might be able to solve without him, don’t want to be banned…), these (in plural) can surely give you a very precise answer).

if meshes can be rendered, it could be done by the engineering team for sure, although slowly because its porting an entire system, let alone an api for scripters to use it. in short: its possible and will probably come eventually, but its not in high demand afaik.

also, to put stuff in a VPF, you have to clone the parts and put it inside. it doesnt just render whats in the world, it renders what you give it.

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I think that they should make a “Render View” object; They can easily do this.
All that is required is ray casting and rasterizing. If Roblox can render the client onto your screen, then Roblox can easily render a scene onto a part. Of course what I mean by easy is that it is still very complex, it is just well within their capabilities. This will not hinder performance as no base part is cloned; it is only rendered on a specific area.

Unity has a similar function as well; I am not asking for a “Portal” object, just a Render View gui object that can either be placed within the gui, surface gui, or billboard gui.
Of course, with the render view object, alot of math will have to be applied to reach a “Portal” effect.
But this can support lighting effects, terrain, etc. without adding or creating new base parts or even cloning terrain/verticies.

I do not say creating a new “Object” as the language used is c++ for the engine which has its OOP “Objects”


Unity has no such thing, they just have the ability to make textures at runtime. And then render those textures on part faces, though they do have access to a rasterizer i believe

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Any release for this yet? It’s really cool and I wanna see how it works

Sorry, it was eventually abandoned due to performance implications and I don’t really develop on Roblox anymore. I’ll uncopylock the place though.


As said above tunneler uses round portals but the way they do this is probably by putting a decal with a transparent hole.


I didn’t want to post here because it’s been a month since the last post, but I’m really struggling here. I’m using the @anon66957764 version of the portal, but my game was already pretty graphic, and now there is noticable lag.

I need non euclidean space for a building simply because there isn’t room to make the building big in my lobby. But the building needs to be big on the inside because we are adding alot of activities in it.

Also, for some reason walking through my portal sorta “pushes” people through it. We are using the portal on a glass door, and also, from certain angles you can not see the other side.

As seen by this game The Portal - Roblox

It can be lag free without any blur near the portal. Would anyone be able to help me and give me tips on how I should accomplish this.

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What did you mean performance implications

It’s very very laggy.

They are manipulating parts.

That’s the reason the border of the portal is so thick.

You can also trick it:


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So I shouldn’t use your version? Would part manipulation be better?