Re-Creating a Portal Effect,

or they just used UiCorner to round

i don’t know if this will help but i wrote a function for that:
function SurfSizechec(surfacesize)
if surfacesize.Y > surfacesize.X then
surfacesize =,surfacesize.Y)
elseif surfacesize.Y < surfacesize.X then
surfacesize =,surfacesize.X)
return surfacesize
then in the viewportwindow:Render() make that SurfaceSize = SurfSizechec(SurfaceSize)

try just cloning parts that the portal can see

Hello, The portal don’t teleport object, is this normal?

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How would I make objects/parts able to travel through the portal?

I found this post yesterday and I’ve been playing a bit with the EgoMoose portal, my code is quite rudimentary and has several errors, the main one in my opinion is that the portals don’t work if both are on the same part. Despite this, the result is quite good.


1: check if your object(or model) can be teleported
2: check if the object position is in the portal
3: if it is, then teleport it

1 part: you can use dot product
2 part: it is Impossible to show the other portals view in a viewport frame

Incorrect solution for your second part… This is misleading, perhaps not the most conductive way but it is possible to do.

Cool but it doesn’t support the cylinder shape.

I’m wondering if you can make it support circles

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This topic is 3 years old, how is still alive.


Once you think with portals, theres no turning back.



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Because this is a really good topic and a very cool creation

Some of my avatars meshes don’t render through the portal, is there a fix to this?

doesn’t work because it’s cropping the frame within the actual size, (The corners are always outside of the viewable area)

technically not cropping the viewport, in order to have the right perspective the viewportframe is scaled and positioned beyond its surfacegui’s size. we could use uicorners but we wouldnt be able to align the frame with our cameras perspective, thus, making the surface look flat


OH! that explains it thanks :slight_smile:

I was literally thinking the same thing.

Anyone found a way to have proper lighting inside these portals? I want to create a portal that leads to an indoor area, but in the viewportframe it just shows up as completely dark when using ShadowMap