Read-only MaxPlayers?

Was requested before, and would be nice to have. Keeping track of live servers for players to join, and I’d really like the ability to check if the server is full, among other things…

Would also be nice to have read-only access to Preferred Player Count as well.

In the meantime, any fast methods of fetching the first number (preferably one that doesn’t involve fetching it right off the game page with a GET request)?

This is a may-be-implemented feature. You can vote on it on robloxs trello for this. Trello

Currently in progress. For now can’t you just hard code the current number of players allowed?

It’s for a rather large universe with many places! That’s probably what I will end up doing for testing purposes. :slight_smile:

It’s for a rather large universe with many places! That’s probably what I will end up doing for testing purposes. :)[/quote]

ModuleScripts using require(AssetId)