ReAdmin | Your New Group Management Platform

Manage your Staff better, use ReAdmin

Gone are the days of using many tools to power your Roblox groups. Use ReAdmin, powered by Bloxlink, to handle hiring, activity-tracking, punishments, promotions, and more.

Discord: Discord

Understand Staff Performance At Scale

Here you can see a report generated for Little Angels Daycare for their staff, you can easily see who is meeting time quotas, who’s inactive when a person was last seen, and easily promote/demote/warn/terminate a user all in a single page.

Viewing a Staff Members Specific Activity

View staff performance in graphs, and quickly view specific sessions with data like chats, when they went AFK, and more.

Manage Punishments At Scale

Manage punishments globally to all of your games from our site. Automatically rank, and exile as well.

Quickly Hire The Best Candidates

Make choices on your staff applications and automatically handle ranking, and reading of applications with quiz-mode.



Departments allow you to organize your staff at scale

Define who can view your workspace, and with what permissions. Assign minimum requirements for activity, and manually add members to them as well.


Distributions allow you to split data into separate time-frames so you are sure you are getting the most recent data from your staff.

Wrapping it up

See what some of our users have to say:
“ReAdmin has made staff management for Little Angels Daycare a walk in the park from its easily navigated interface to their superb customer service. It’s a service that all ROBLOX groups should invest their time in.” - Little Angels Daycare
“The administration of 25+ sub-groups was always quite difficult, and manually tracking our staff made it hard to reward those who are active. ReAdmin has revolutionised the way group management works, creating functionalities that have been paramount to our group. This, combined with fast support and its user-friendly design makes it incredibly easy to use for anyone. I would highly recommend this service.” - United Kingdom

So come check us out today, and start managing your group like a pro.

Discord: Discord


Wow, honestly the best group management program I’ve seen. Definitely will be using this.


Definitely a big improvement from your previous group management platforms. It has a clean UI, and it seems very configurable. Could there be another way to log in without Discord? Also, how do you link a game as an application center with ReAdmin?


Wow, This is cool! I have never seen a website just for managing group! Like the look of the website, keep up the good work!

Also, I don’t like how you have to login with discord, make is like uses.


Just from the pictures alone this instantly sparks my eye. Having a trustworthy background of being the developers of Bloxlink also really helps a lot. Looks amazing and will definitely give it a shot for my group!


Is it possible to use this service to guarantee that every single group member has an associated Discord account that is in a certain server? For playtesters, it’s important to be able to contact every single one individually.


I love it, Matthew, the only thing is I hate how you need to log in with Discord (mainly because it knows your email).

PS: Add dark mode for your application centers please! :blush:


Thank you so much, your kind words mean a lot. We don’t plan on adding any new ways to login as we log you in through Bloxlink. You download your game from the settings page, under the “Downloads” tab.


Shesh, this is looking amazing! This seems like a very useful tool and easy to see how much time a staff member have been in game for. Going to be using this and may even get some groups I work for to use it!!


I have a question about when you terminate a user with ReAdmin.

What does the terminate user supposed to do if you don’t check the exile from group?

(Edit: I have tried testing it and can’t figure out what it actually does without kicking a user from the group.)


This is one of the best admin/management plugins I ever used, great job. Keep the the work!


Nothing, it leaves you to do something. We should add ranking functionality soon.


I think you should make it where they can’t rejoin the group and bans them from the games as well.

(Edit: Like make it decline the request to join the group.)

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Really nice and sleek design, yet I won’t be using it in any of my projects. Would like to comment on the aesthetic part of the website:

You can see how some images “blend in” with the background and sort of creating this weird visual effect you can see in the image attached above. You should add some sort of shadow effect or use a 3D Node.JS engine like to give a sleek animated effect rather than the static appearance they have right now. Good luck with your project! :slightly_smiling_face:


I wish this was synced according to the rankIDs, saves a headache adding people individually.

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It does ban them from the game, but we don’t have it actively ban them from your group.

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You don’t have to add people individually?

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Readmin is a super cool product! I hope UI/UX will be improved in the future but overall a great product.

Good job Matthew :smiley:

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This is a great moderation tool! There should be some reporting system to review reports of players and mods. Is there a way to see who got banned?

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But I don’t see an option to sync it with the group.

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