The reason there isnt shadows is cause this is actually an import from my ray tracer. It is very hard to see the reflections cause the color range is very small on roblox guis for some reason. Here is what I mean…
I think honestly its the way the lua language works is the reason the bounce function aint working, like i had to rewrite my sphere code cause of how lua handles return. Either way I just wanted to show what u can do with parallel luau.
Now thinking about it, if I would have used the math I learned from here
and just made it with the environment of lua in mind it probably would have worked, either way I am not that focused on making pixel shaders on roblox (not unless we get parallel luau V2!)
this is what I was trying to get at with the import
But yes, especially the ARM processors (mobile CPUs) have a hard time running stuff like this. I mean in the code I hard coded in only 1 reflective bounce function. I got a idea on how to modernize my code base to use classes however so that I can have a recursive bounce function.