Realism — Make your games feel more immersive!

Just curious-did you record the walking sounds yourself? They sound great!
additional question: I don’t have an interest in some of the other features, but I do want to use the walking sound part in my game. Is there any chance I could extract these sounds from your code and integrate them into mine, provided I credit you for using your sounds?

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OOF, I actually didn’t. They were sampled from another game.

Unfortunately I didn’t give this much thought until I was asked about it a month or two ago, and you just reminded me about it. Definitely should have replaced them before I publicly released this.

I’ll try and get into contact with the right people to make sure there are no issues with using these sounds. Should there be an issue, I’ll get them replaced appropriately.


For some reason, it locks the players camera in place occasionally, hopefully a fix soon.

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Thank you, can you keep us updated on this.


Is it possible to turn off some specific feature like head rotation or footstep?


I think there is a problem with the FPSCamera transparency handler. This happened to some people: Roblox 18/01/2021 20:13:13 - Clipped with

The shades should be an Accessory with an Attachment inside of its Handle that properly indicates what kind of accessory it is. Otherwise the part is ignored as if it’s something attached to your chest.


All i know is that the shades are a roblox accessory from the catalog. I’m not sure how its setup in the datamodel. All i know is sometimes it doesn’t hide them.

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Using morphs does the same thing, is there a way to make it so morph items appear invisible when in first person?

You need to write a LocalScript that iterates through all parts for the morph and sets a hidden property named LocalTransparencyModifier to 1 if the camera is within a certain distance to its camera subject (which if the subject is a humanoid, is the character’s head). This property resets every frame, so to make it not transparent, just don’t set it.

As for @Maximum_ADHD – Have you nailed down the cause for that rare init(?) bug that causes the camera to freeze over the origin for a long time before it tracks the character? This is the only bug preventing me from using the module. I tried to find it myself and I honestly can’t find it.

Haven’t got a clue, I can’t reproduce it consistently.


How do I disable the first person body?
I’m trying to use this for a FPS game.

Just dropped it in (Everything is in workspace) nothing has changed, though.

You have to put RealismServer into ServerScriptService and RealismClient into StarterPlayer >> StarterPlayerScripts.


The First Person body would make your FPS game more immersive

@Maximum_ADHD Amazing plugin! I am curious, is there a way to implement this into a game so everybody in the game has it, not just you? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am somewhat new to GitHub downloads.

Great post! Thanks for sharing.

Looks great However on thing is that when you dance it gives me motion sickness try making the head not spin so much… :sick:

Hi @Maximum_ADHD! So sorry to say that your kit:

  • Doesn’t fit very well with the official Roblox Weapons kit
  • Lagged my game badly forcing me to remove it…

Can you fix these bugs if you have time? Thanks!

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Roblox’s weapon kit is bad, it forces a Fortnite camera.
Also I wouldn’t know of any lag problems that it has, did you install it correctly?