delete this post now.
Pretty cool but makes me feel extremely disturbed
Congratulations, you have created nightmare fuel. Now, I will have to bleach my brain and then look at cute pictures of puppies and kittens for the next week.
Other than that, it’s really well made, good job!
I uninstall Roblox and probably never return.
Straight up cursed. Sometimes something are best left unrealistic.
I can’t unsee it help me pls
Looks wrong, but not disturbing.
Sorry I know I already replied but why don’t you put this on your realistic body that you modeled?
Because what everyone needs is an addition to this cursed image.
This is very cool man do another one but make it crazier than this one
My god, how do I describe this, it is both amazing yet creepy at the same time, a very interesting balance.
Great for UGC, I would totally buy it.
I can imagine you in Bloxburg wearing that hat and stalking people.
Very high quality and very uncanny!
Excellent work.
That head model is very creepy
Omg that is creepy… Why did you create that?
Very nice but I go to sleep in half an hour
Make the eyes red. You’ll scare a lot of people.
Wait. In which picture? Like, which one out of the three
I was talking about the second one.
That is disturbing and it gives me a bad feeling -_-
Good job man
Here u go, as requested:
Also, a bonus…
Imagine falling asleep and seeing this in front of you
Btw, I made all of these on my phone lol
God all these photo edits I keep seeing on the thread… shudder
Jokes aside, it’s really well made.