Received a Violation for Bloxy Cola knock-off texture

I do not know if this is the right place to post this but, I just received a Violation for a texture I just created and uploaded through studio

The violation stated that I was directing Users Off-Platform

Its uploaded name was “ExploInACan”

It uses the Bloxy Cola as a base, with the differences being that its red has “EXPLOSION IN A CAN!!!” and “WARNING CONTAINS EXPLOSION” on the sides with a nutrition label and a barcode similar to the Bloxy Cola can

Texture in question:

Could this have something to do with the nutrition label or barcode?

Anyways, what do I do to
A: get the violation removed (if possible)
B: be able to use the texture in a game

Thanks for your time!


In the violation message, there should be a link to the appeals page.

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Unless you are talking about a completely different thing, I did try to request an appeal already but it was denied, almost immediately.


There really isn’t anything you can do. Submitting any content is a roll of the dice. I was trying to make an avatar bundle recently and I was permanently terminated despite not breaking any rules. And then when you explain to appeals that you aren’t violating any rules they instantly deny it.


The violation is because of the barcode, remove it and reupload it.


Just being cautious here as I do not wish to receive another violation, but are you sure of this, and how do you know this?

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Its happened before with some creators.

Its really annoying, but yeah, its the barcode.

Today I found out
Introducing an improved Appeals process


Thanks now I know not to do that for future reference. But what should I do about the current violation I have?

You can’t do anything because the violation is completely valid:

Any other efforts to direct users off of Roblox to an external website or service are prohibited, including:

  • Sharing any links, QR codes, or barcodes
  • Efforts to evade detection of links, including but not limited to: partial links, filter-bypassing, or masked links that misdirect users
  • Encouraging others to visit unpermitted external links

From: Terms Of Use

If it’s just a warning then it’s nothing to worry about in terms of DevEx etc

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Its really something roblox should fix up.

People use Roblox textures to remix for their own purposes only to end up unwittingly get a moderation notice for off-site links over something roblox themselves created

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Roblox assets have the privilege of being created by Roblox, enough to override the fear of users being directed offsite by barcodes, because even they know deep down it’s really not that big of a deal. Everyone else has the full set of rules applied to them, because we are a third-party, Roblox has no way to vet us.

At least they don’t issue significant moderation actions for these types of things. Anyone who gets a Warning from this will know not to upload images with barcodes in them in the future.

Also I’m not sure the barcode is from the Bloxy Cola texture, OP didn’t say that

The barcode part is insane to me. As I explained in my own post, barcodes literally cannot contain any data that would allow a user to be directed anywhere at all.

I would still attempt to appeal this. My appeal attempt was successful at least:

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It could be just future-proofing… And scanning those could lead to all kinds of unwanted material from sites…groups…images…etc… I can kinda understand that… Its how other stuff isnt moderated as much that suprises me… Stolen stuff

In that case, you most likely won’t be able to get the violation removed.
As far as using the texture, you’d need to remove whatever it is annoyed about and reupload it.

Thanks everyone for the help!
I tried appealing again but to no luck, but fortunately after removing the bar code I was able to upload the texture!