Refunds Should Exist: A Complication of Requests for Refunds


Refunds are a needed feature and a part of any big company nowadays. If you don’t believe that, see the evidence below. I get at least a couple of messages each day asking for refunds - this shouldn’t be an issue.

Related Feature Requests

2019 - Allow refunds of individual purchases, and bulk refunds of products/ gamepasses by SteadyOn
2016 - Ability to refund purchases by Sharksie
2014 - Refunds by Ripull

What This Is

This is a compilation of people asking for refunds. Some of these even say they asked Roblox Support and were redirected to talk to me! I can’t do anything! Additionally, even if I wanted to give a refund (at my own loss), I would have to have them wait 2 weeks after joining the group, and then transfer them robux (which is a grey area in terms of TOS).

The Compilation


Newest are displayed first
1 update so far

Names and profiles are censored for privacy purposes, but I can send un-edited images to staff by DM


DM me on the DevFourm if you have any examples you’d like to add. Thanks!

Please fix this issue.

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