Release Notes for 376

Notes for Release 376


Client Difference Log

API Changes

Added Class PackageService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]

Added Property Enum<HumanoidCollisionType> Humanoid.CollisionType {✏️PluginSecurity}

Added Function Dictionary MeshContentProvider:GetContentMemoryData() {RobloxScriptSecurity}
Added Function float TweenService:GetValue(float alpha, Enum<EasingStyle> easingStyle, Enum<EasingDirection> easingDirection)

Added Enum HumanoidCollisionType
	Added EnumItem HumanoidCollisionType.OuterBox : 0
	Added EnumItem HumanoidCollisionType.InnerBox : 1

Changed the parameters of Function LocalizationService:StartTextScraper 
	from: ()
	  to: (bool enforceRequirements = false)

Changed the parameters of Event NotificationService.RobloxConnectionChanged 
	from: (string connectionName, Enum<ConnectionState> connectionState, string sequenceNumber)
	  to: (string connectionName, Enum<ConnectionState> connectionState, string sequenceNumber, string namespaceSequenceNumbers)

(Click here for a syntax highlighted version!)


Glad to see this was implemented. I use custom tweening for parts of my games, but it requires me to use a custom easing method. This makes it easier for me to change easing methods without having to change the math.


Game Settings for the avatar can now be set on unpublished places.

This, I like. There were some issues regarding avatar settings not being able to be published on non-live games and it’s intuitive to be able to test these features without needing to publish changes or create a quick system that overrides avatar appearances.

Added Class PackageService : Instance [NotCreatable] [Service] [NotReplicated]

This, I’m curious about. Is this an internal service, or is this something that’s intended to be available to us developers? What’s it about?

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It appears to be internal, as it has no public facing API.
It could be some sort of storage for packages, but I have no evidence to back that up.

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