Release Notes for 630

Finally… after all these years… you don’t know how much I was waiting for this!


I’m not really familiar with some terms within the coding community. What does this mean, and what are the possible benefits? I’m intrigued.


pretty sure it’s related to this one


Uh, so there’s an issue where if you join a Roblox game the textures and user interface appear low quality. I hope this gets fixed.

Here is an example:

Right now:


You can see that the second image is a lot more clearer and of more quality than the first one. The textures on the characters are blurrier in the first image and so is the logo of the game which is a GUI.


Luau annotations has me the most excited out of all of this


I think this is dependent on your gpu and how much overload it has since guis render on gpu.


Soooo looking forward to this feature. Having to make my own ban system using data store service was obnoxious.


Attributes are a feature of Luau that allows you to add what’s essentially metadata to functions. You can read the RFC for it here but it’s a bit technical in nature. The idea is that you’ll be able to control things like the compiler and script analyzer a bit better using them.

The @native attribute (proposed in this RFC) is the first of these attributes and it allows you to tell the compiler to make a specific function compile with ‘native code generation’. You don’t need to know the exact details, but the idea behind native code generation is that it will make code very fast by making it run directly on the CPU instead of inside the Luau interpreter.

Not every function benefits from native code generation though. It mostly impacts very math-heavy code. Even if the code doesn’t get anything from it though, it adds some extra memory usage and extra startup time to the code. So, it’s desirable to only natively compile the functions that actually benefit from it. Thus, @native!


This is a fix for negative seed values basically not working on a majority of mobile devices: NextInteger always returning same number, despite different inputs (ONLY ON MOBILE)

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Light not rendering in seemingly random chunks Lighting system is bugged

Wasn’t that one fixed like, a month ago? I don’t recall when I submitted my bug report but it was definitively at least before 627