This is good ^^ Is there any behind the scene about this or more information like other developer posts?
Sooo what’s up with the new story book plugin?
Rendering issues FIXED, I had a silly setting on.
I had the Level 04 selected for Mesh Detail Level thinking it would render everything without lods, like at highest possible, but it just rendered everything how it would it being far away. So anything close up got decimated. I just turned it back to Distance-Based and it fixed. Nice!
Are you seeing the Storybook plugin? It should only be available to Roblox staff. It’s not new. TL;DR: It lets us quickly prototype Lua UI code for Studio.
Hoarcekat is the equivalent community tool: GitHub - Kampfkarren/hoarcekat: A Storybook-like plugin that makes it easy to preview individual UI elements. Especially useful with Roact.
i’ve had a similar issue where i have to scale things i want to union up by like 15x the actual size so it doesn’t come out like what you’re showing
Well strvan- I mean tnavarts, I am not the only one.
And yea, I am seeing it. It’s pretty cool because of the color palettes.
I assume Release 655 accidentally enabled it for everyone.
Also, guess I am a roblox staff now.
wasnt it intended to eventually become public?
Pretty please fix highlights for VR as well~ I have noticed they have a tendancy to look correct on the left eye, and on the right one they are very broken. They look backwards, or something of the sort
Regardless, great update!!
I updated studio about 5 minutes ago, and the Storybook plugin appeared
im also seeing the Storybook plugin
So when will I be able to use the three-dot menu thing on games and local files on studio’s start page while in list view? And what about being able to use that menu with right click? (I was forced to upgrade my studio to the version with a new start menu)
did you make resizealign tnavarts
what do you mean by this
did tnavarts make resizealign plugin he sounds like stravant
tnavarts is stravant backwards, so maybe?
Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to document what I discovered in case they do remove this plugin!!
(P.S If any of these images look blank, they were either deleted or you gotta click them!)
I looked into storybook. It looks like some kind of development tool for coreUI, or something of the sort. A Storybook is some tree, and it looks like it works kinda similarly to making UI.
Clicking through these on the left shows a lot of UI you can find around studio, and roblox mayhaps as well I assume.
And yes, this plugin does appear to be internal. They seem to have not heeded the warning…
And on the right, you can find some sort of test field where it may show this GUI type, or something of the sort
Selecting “View Source” seems to open the ModuleScript that is associated with the Storybook you are previewing-- In this case, the ColorSystem
Clicking “Run Tests” seems to fail. (At least on this story book) with an error like this.
Lastly (What I found most interesting) is when you click “Explore”. It doesn’t do anything visually, but if you have the Properties window open, you will see it selected an invisible frame.
I found when it is selected, you can hit Ctrl + C to copy it, and paste it into a screenGui, which looks interesting.
Spam right-clicking and selecting “Go to reference object” on the parent of the selected invisible frame, and copying it into a screen GUI also lets you copy the entire storybook plugin UI
These properties here…
Look like they are testing configs, that emulate settings you can configure yourself in the roblox settings. Things like “Preferred Transparency” and “Reduced Motion” are both settings you can use.
Going through all the Storybooks I can is fun. There are a lot of interesting things to find! (all of the images below are what the story book looks like default. They have some interesting placeholders!!)

I clicked on this
And got this popup. Some assets, and a username. Maybe someone can look into the users if interested.
Once again, apologies for the long post~ You can find the plugin yourself in studio as of today, so feel free to look through it! It is very interesting.
This is literally just internal studio plugin, we get it
Thanks for the feedback. I guess being fascinated with something and sharing what I found is excessive. I will be sure to try to appease to you more in the future