In honor of this week’s International Waffle Day, let’s look for meaning in waffles, not in numbers. Enjoy!
Any idea on when we will see this for the next-gen ribbon? It got pulled a few months ago and this bug is still around
It is time.
66 people have clicked the link at the time of this post (which was conveniently made at 6:26).

It is also conveniently March 26
It will also close in 6 months after the last reply
It has finally happened… release 666
Update 666 on international waffle day!!!
I have been waiting for this number ever since I joined the forums.
This is peak as always, I like the grass example!
Sorry I dont believe in waffles, only number theory. Did you know 666 is the sum of the first 36 integers (1+2+3+4…+36)?
Who would have thought version 666 would be lucky somehow
666 is also the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers!
Amazing changes, thank you engineers!
This release note is very scary…
It appears I’ll need to call an exorcist on this executable.
does this update allow us to summon satan via scripts
wait a minute is this an ARG or a genuine statement
When you tint default grass, the dirt remains the same color.
TintMask API allows you to do the same in your own materials by interpreting the alpha channel of the ColorMap as which areas to tint and which areas to leave alone.
What, you thought I would tell you?
Haha… as a devil I do not release my secrets…