Releasing Character Physics Controllers

The raycasts aren’t expensive so you’re fine just getting the material yourself using the raycast

Sure, but it’s double work for no reason. The character controllers themselves are already performing the raycasts to determine the sensed part. They may as well pass that information along to us!

That’s more work for the APi; for example, for Humanoids they have to do more work when you request the FloorMaterial

That does not make logical sense. The physics controllers are raycasting. Assuming similar internal implementations of raycasting, they get a material out of this. They can then pass this along to us in a property.

I don’t think it would be worth the engineering time and QA to add a property that could be replaced with 1-5 lines of code… but if you really want it the formal way to request it is posting in #feature-requests:engine-features

What’s up with BuoyancySensor?

I’ve noticed that the character controller is still simulating something even though ActiveController is set to nil.

My game has boats. When another player sits in a boat that someone is driving, it completely prevents the driver from moving the boat-even after making all characters massless, non-collidable, etc. (I turn the boat with an AngularVelocity)

The only fix I’ve found for this is to set RootPart to nil for players sitting in the boat on the server (it doesn’t replicate)

Please post this in #bug-reports, ideally with a file that reproduces the bug.

Hey just a question, thanks to this new release, is it possible to do something like this

(A part but with a sphere Collider)

I might sound dumb rn, but just curious.

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Hey-I’m running into this same issue! Can you elaborate what you mean by “rebuild the character”?

By “rebuild the character” I mean disabling the Motor6D.Active property and re-enabling it at least a frame after.

Unless I’m getting extremely lucky, it looks like I was able to fix the issue by never disabling the Root and Waist joints.

Yeah, when I was trying to reproduce the issue I felt like those were the issue, but for ragdolls I need to disable them, or else it looks funky.

Interesting. My ragdolls look fine with them on.

This happened to me as well around the same time you posted this. It seems like it was fixed for a while, but the bug suddenly started happening to me again overnight. Very infuriating as nothing I do seems to have an effect.

any updates on updirection being worked on? i found a partially working fflag for it but it has the tendency to set my position to nan (usually when being set straight up on a 90 degree angle which also occurs in my custom updirection implementation)

should i develop with this fflag enabled risking behavioural changes or just put my gameplay part of the game on hold for a bit, working on ui and other stuff instead for the time being


I feel like the GroundController’s GroundOffset property is seemingly doing everything it possibly can (including rotating the character out of balance) in order to maintain the distance it is set to when moving into vertically tight spaces.

A “fix” for it at the moment is just setting BalanceRigidityEnabled to Enabled, however this setting fully removes the fluidity of the controller, making it seem as if it’s almost being CFramed into balancing, which also causes random bursts of high velocity moving into tight spaces and looks really unappealing. Currently the Humanoid does the job a lot better as it just stops moving into a direction of a vertically tight space, not causing any imbalance to the character either. Meanwhile, the GroundController never stops. This is sort of tied to the Friction setting as well, as higher values do not allow the character to balance itself at all. Only on incredibly weak values it allows the character to balance itself, but this makes the controller unusable.

Is it something that could be fixed, similar to how Humanoid works regarding this?


That is something we should not have to worry about doing when using the Character Controller. Fixing all the motor issues should really be up there in the Controller priorities.

Is it possible to add an option to stop the character from affecting unanchored parts when walking on them?

UpDirection has been promised for a very long time.
Is this planning to come out any time soon? Or is it worth to just custom implement this feature?
The feature seems pretty much finished by enabled FFlags.