Releasing Character Physics Controllers

i had to dm bug support since i don’t have access to the bug report category, you wouldn’t be able to view it

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Our rigs had been rescaled in studio. Deleting and replacing all of the controller related instances fixed the issue for us.

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I am experiencing this too, would love to see an update on this

Once thing I noticed is that when you have lower FPS you lose velocity slower than people with high FPS. I noticed this when I was messing around with different materials and I, with around 200 fps, slowed down a whole lot faster than my friend with 60 fps. To test this out, I capped my FPS to 30 and I got significantly less friction than before.

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Did this fix the occasional jitter?
I’m creating them dynamically when the character spawns like in the example.

Yeah they’re completely solid for us now. We are having a crash issue, but we’re still trying to diagnose if that’s related to the controller or not.

Hello everyone, just a quick update:

First, we apologize to those still experiencing studio crashes related to the CM sensors. We think we’ve solved it, however there are no more engine releases through the rest of the year until the second week of January.

In January, you can look forward to this fix coming out as well as several others, and new features. I will post patch notes here when they release!


I don’t know if this is planned or not but I have a feature request. It would be very nice if there was a “MaxSlopeAngle” property. It would be nice to make it so that if you try to walk on a, for example, 50 degree slope you slide down it instead of being able to walk up it.

Also, just in case you haven’t tracked it yet here are some bugs/issues I’ve experienced:

  1. Walking on an unanchored part makes you “walk in place” while the part below you moves in the opposite direction you’re moving in
  2. Higher FPS values turn faster and decelerate quicker
  3. On a LocalScript, accessing a ControllerPartSensor.SensedPart under another player’s character doesn’t update the value and you have to call ControllerPartSensor:Sense() before to get it to update, but the method is deprecated
  4. I’ve had some scenarios where jumping on an unanchored part flings me into the sky
  5. (not sure if my game code is interfering with this so take this with a grain of salt) When using the ClimbController in first person, you’re unable to detach from the ladder without jumping as facing away from the ladder and moving just makes you go up and down.

I’ve switched the game I’m working to the new physics controller, and I love it. Really good update and I can’t wait to see what is changed in January!

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Increase Friction to 2 and put FrictionWeight 20-100 depending on if you want it to slow down while walking on ramps or keep the same speed

Hi walking down a set of stairs is quite janky (while walking up is fine), also an option to disable directional changes mid-air would be nice, as well as keeping momentum when jumping and jumping while running would also be nice.

What’s the mass of the part that you’re walking on?

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Here’s some feedback:

local RayParams =
RayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Char}

function jump()
	local Raycast = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.Position,,-5,0),RayParams)
	if Raycast and Raycast.Instance and Raycast.Instance.CanCollide then
		HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity +=,50,0)
  • Not sure if I’m doing something wrong but this gets spammed in the console:

Player:Move called, but player currently has no humanoid. (x122)

unless I do

game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character = nil
  • It’d be nice to disable rotational velocity inheritance in the Y axis

  • Some sort of togglable built in “coyote time” mechanic, so players can change direction mid jump, might make things feel more fluid

Cool stuff overall, really excited about the realistic velocity inheritance!

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Not sure, I only noticed it when I had accidental unanchored parts in the game.

here’s the bug report:

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Threw together a whole character physics controller demo place to show some of the features I implemented.

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Changing the Base move speed of the ControllerManager doesnt not affect the character speed when a Humanoid is present… Any fix to this? if I dont use a Humanoid, game health script throws a bunch of errors.

Are there any updates on this official implementation? Maybe an ETA or a newer version of these scripts?


they seem to be getting close to releasing it, an enum relating to it was recently removed from the engine in either 607 or 608

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Is this not working for anyone else? I tried the InitializeCharacters script given as well as just making it based on the setup guide.

It seems to have a lag period of at least 30 seconds before characters start using the GroundSensor / GroundController appropriately. And until then, they’re stuck in the ground, and if I walk into them to see if it’ll refresh their position, it knocks them over but does nothing until it all of a sudden starts working, and once it starts working it doesn’t seem to have any issues.


ControllerManagerFailure.rbxl (105.2 KB)
^ Placefile

i’m having this issue too but for only a few seconds when playtesting in studio for the first time, when i tried your place file the controllermanagers only seem to work when the client has network ownership of them and they just don’t respond when the server owns them

however, it started working on the server while i was writing this after like 2 minutes, except that it went back to breaking unlike what you’re experiencing and it never worked in run mode, i genuinely can’t figure out why

also, when each controllermanager “loaded” in on the server i could also audibly hear my pc’s fans firing up for a bit which is a bit concerning, i don’t really know how to use the micro profiler so i can’t really provide data or anything but it still worries me a bit