As was discussed in this thread, it’s a pain to have to go to such lengths for the simple task of getting something a user is wearing. It’s possible though, but what I feared most has already happened a day after my character inserter plugin was released. Woot3’s web API is having issues and it isn’t returning anything worn by users. It worked yesterday, but now it doesn’t. This instability issue is what makes access to the ROBLOX API without a middle man so much more desirable. However, there are weaknesses in allowing full access to the site also discussed in the other thread, but Merely brought up a good idea:
We should either have access to scriptable functions (such as :IsFriendsWith) to access the content here, or have whitelisted for HttpService as Merely suggested. It’s not fun relying on a middle man which may or may not be there the next day.
There are two problems. One is the lack of clean APIs for commonly requested features like getting a user’s body colors. The other is that it’s necessary to use a proxy server to access even the good APIs.
Ding dee dong bump [strike]Woot’s server is having issues again[/strike](oh even better he forgot to renew it and now it’s gone) and my plugin is currently not working. Thanks [strike]Obama[/strike]ROBLOX. In all seriousness can we please have access to ROBLOX APIs – I’d like to be able to do something as simple as insert a character into studio without having the world catch on fire and explode pls.
I am doing all I can right now to try and sort the issue. I have a backup server but I am not prepared to be using that until I make sure the server is far more secure. I need two things answered though. Would people be willing to donate (USD) to help fund the project? Do people ever use the standalone APIs, or do they use them in-game?