Remake of The Hunt portal

I wanted to use one of the portals used in The Hunt in my game. It wouldn’t do anything, just be there for decoration. There wasn’t any model remade it, so I made my own. My model only uses parts, unions, and particles. I didn’t use any viewport frames unlike the one used in the actual event, but it still came out good.
This is what it looks like:

I don’t create meshes, so I use unions instead. Anything I could improve on with this?
By the way, the reason why I didn’t use the “What are you working on?” topic was because I couldn’t find it and also because I’m looking for suggestions on how I could improve this. If I get any suggestions that I like, I’ll post the final product in that topic.


It looks awesome! Link me your game! :smiley:


The game this is in is private, however I can make a copy with just the portal in it. The reason the game is private is because I use it to make my YouTube videos. I made the portal because I’m working on an interactive video and storyline.

Here’s the portal:
Place2.rbxl (348.7 KB)
Here’s the actual model instead since I just made it. You can still use the actual place instead if you want.


That looks super cool! It looks nearly identical to the portal from the actual event hub and knowing that you achieved that effect without ViewportFrames is impressive. Are you going to try to recreate the teleportation effect that happens when a player walks into it, too?

Here’s the updated thread for 2024:


I joined the game and went in studio at the same time. I compared the portal in-game to the portal I made, and made slight changes where needed. I don’t think I’ll try and recreate the teleport effect since there won’t be any real players in my game attempting to teleport, but if enough people want me to, I could try. I specialize more so in creating unions which is why I can create some crazy things like you see here.

The way I replicated the effect without ViewportFrames is by duplicating the outer ring of the portal. I then scaled it down by 0.5 studs and faded the color of the rings to a darker and darker shade of the previous one. For the background of the portal, I used parts with the force field material. I changed the transparency of those parts to -100, which gives a unique effect specifically to parts of that material.

This sort of shows how it changes:

This negative transparency basically makes the part have no shadow at all. It becomes a solid color, which can be useful in places like this.


I checked it out, and it looks super cool


This remade The Hunt portal looks VERY GOOD! Nice job on it!


Thank you! Here’s an updated screenshot of it. I think it showcases it better.

I make models casually, and I don’t tend to do it too often if I don’t need to. I don’t watch any tutorials even though they’d probably help me. It makes me happy to hear that so many people think I did well with this, especially since it’s not like I have years of experience. I’ll probably put this model up for free if anybody’s interested.

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Here’s the model:
The thumbnail is kind of broken. I changed one of the part materials to metal from being force field because it messed up the thumbnail too much.

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Sorry for bumping but how could I implement this using viewpoint frames?

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The reason I want to do this as in the Hunt and The Classic, It is just a floating portal, Not attached to wall.

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At the moment I’m unsure how to do so. I’ve tried using viewport frames before, but they don’t seem to capture the scene well. If nobody else finds this topic, you might be able to create a topic yourself linking this one or the model and asking how to remake it with viewport frames. I know the version in the actual hunt event used viewport frames, at least I think.

Also, if you’re looking for a close replica of the portal used in The Classic, I made a model for it as well if you want me to link it.

I actually found this post because I used the model before, Thank you for telling me though!

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If you want the screen that pops up when a player touches the portal i’m making it.Here’s is it:

Note:Please help me about that if you know about cameras and scripting.

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