Remember "Beat Block Skyway" from Mario 3D World?

Hey y’all! Now I’ve made a simple thing here, but it’s also unique in its own way! Basically, I’ve made these things called “Beat Blocks”

What are Beat Blocks? They’re blocks that disappear/appear depending on how the beat goes! So far, there are only 2 color blocks that transition between 1 & the other, and a warning is indicated before the blocks start to transition:

Image from Gyazo

There is a place if you want to try this out yourself as well! Keep in mind that it’s just a playground for experimentation! (The syncing might be a bit off though, forgive me if it does)

Inspired off of:


Very cool. It was fun trying to figure out what to do on the two tower blocks. This could be used for a bunch of cool things.

Thanks! The cool thing is that everything surprisingly handled well on the client side, which worked well for lots of smooth Tweens! I tried doing it on the server-side before, that was a mistake

Only issue I see is that syncing up the song can be a bit challenging :sweat_smile: But I managed to make it work’ish