Reminder Regarding Permissible Links

I agree that Discord shouldn’t be permitted to under 13s because anything can be posted on there, really - though considering Twitter and Facebook etc. are allowed to over 13s, it should remain open to them. I hope the upcoming group changes will help and I expect that they will, buuut I don’t think I’ll switch too easily. Discord is really good for getting an active community, but if the groups on Roblox were made significantly better to that standard, I’d be much more inclined to use them. I guess we’ll see how it turns out.


I got a warning yesterday for a link I posted on the forums in 2008 (almost 10 years ago!), which is a bit beans. Are there plans to either make moderation work better regarding super-ancient content, or dump inactive forum threads maybe?

EDIT 11/30/17: It just happened again. This is incredibly frustrating.


What has the missing functionality been primarily identified as? Formatting such as bolding/italics are definitely missed on Roblox, but the largest incentives of Discord for me are the ability to communicate without filter false positives and being able to share media without a 10+ minute approval process.

Is Roblox looking into finding an image sharing service similar to YouTube that is appropriate for all ages and can be linked on the site? Is the filter going to see a significant improvement in false positives?


I would like to know this as well.

In my case, having a Discord server in order to communicate with fans, or even group members is a must. It allows me to hear any suggestions they have, or for bug reporting they find in games, etc…


I only recently started a Discord community channel for my devgroup UniDev and it’s literally the base of keeping us running right now. We can hear feedback on our project, but not just that, we’re able to make a great community without having to wait till the groups have been fixed.

Besides, if Twitter links are allowed and someone has put a pinned tweet saying ‘Join our Discord!’ with a link going to the exact same Discord channel, how’s this going to make a difference?


Valid point lol. And, good discord servers have moderators and such that should be able to keep non-pg info out


it says this right in the op that you arent allowed to use twitter to link discords


Exactly. My channel doesn’t even have non-pg content text-channels. The deepest we go is an #excessive_memes channel, but just as every other text-channel, it’s all being monitored by multiple moderators to keep inappropriate stuff out.


Yeah, I’m currently in the process of creating a new game for my own game studio and having a discord for the community is very important for the overall game.

They honestly should set up some type of system in which you can link social-media platforms to your group (kind of how you can link your twitter, youtube and twitch on your profile). And be able to have age restrictions on them, for example:

  • A user over the age of 13 would be able to see the linked discord server on the group.

Okay… But that’ll bring more of a conflict here.
My Twitter is linked to my Roblox account, which is allowed. (@ShapeDemBricks)

But, if any of my tweets contain a Discord link, it’s instantly not allowed? How’s that going to work.
Does that mean that now everyone with a Twitter linked to their Roblox account containing a tweet with a Discord link is instantly banned? I’m afraid that’ll get rid of many famous developers here.


If so, that’s conflicting lol

Edit: I think they were talking about redirects.


so we’re banning for using the best group/chat system available to us BEFORE implementing an alternative?

discord is the best to way get out information about my game to an audience that’s actually interested, keeping them up to date on features, patch notes, etc
all the while being able to talk to and provide feedback straight to the developers

if you’re really going to start banning for this you should have viable alternatives in place
groups need a complete overhaul and I need more features in place so people know what’s going on with my game

being able to @ everyone and say “hey big update/thing happening/stuff, go here” and get 100+ people in a game to help test is invaluable


This honestly frustrates me so much.
Development communities, gaming communities, twitch communities, group communities, war clans, clothing groups…all of them have it.
Some of these ROBLOX discords have TENS OF THOUSANDS of members on them.
Discord has become such a huge staple of the ROBLOX community off the site, dare I say as huge of a part of the ROBLOX Community as Twitter.
The removal of the ability to post links to discords is essentially ROBLOX grabbing a huge part of its community and setting it ablaze, destroying it.
I honestly could not imagine ROBLOX as it is today without discord. And while this wont permanently destroy the community, it will definitely puncture a deep hole in it.
I’m seriously hoping ROBLOX takes this a lot further into consideration.


100% agree with this post.


Yea. Thinking of some big discords here:
• Skilled Scripters
• berezaa’s games
• aspireRBLX
• Roblox Helpers
• The Roblox Discord
• Sword Burst 2
• and the list continues

Oh, and the DevForums Discord.


I actually was a moderator of berezaa’s discord for some time. I ended up quitting, but at the time I did, it had, wait for it…


Like I mentioned in my comment: discord is such a huge staple of the community, and their option to block it out is just going to have such a bad impact on the community that…it’s, it’s indescribable the consequences.

Oh, btw, this was back in March. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was over 100 thousand members by now.


Here’s my feedback on this:
1) Revamp the groups now and allow at least something like Discord, which is already pretty secure, temporarily until the groups have been re-made;
2) Allow at least ‘community empowering’ links; (e.g Discord)
3) Allow all or no links at all;

Whether it’s Youtube, Twitter or Twitch, people will be able and are allowed to share Discord links on any of those sites.
It’s intensely hard to completely ban off-site links through Roblox as there’s always a work-around, whether it’s this or there.

Besides, there’s multiple Discord channels, which @nforeman has mentioned up above, which are fine, save and for Roblox.

Let’s not forget; if there’s non-Roblox players joining a Roblox Discord, and they find it interesting, then it’s only more visitors.


Plus, because the DevForum is only 13+, Discord could be considered allowed here. :slight_smile:


It is allowed here on the DevForums, but not on the Roblox site.
Meaning, that if you ever made a group-shout containing a link to e.g Discord, you might get at least a warning.


Numerous staff have stated in the past that leaving the code to Discord servers was fine, as long as it’s not a clickable link and requires users to go out of their way to access it.

You’ve stated here that any reference to Discord is not allowed and has never been allowed, which contradicts the above. Some clarification would be nice here.