Reminder Regarding Permissible Links

Your rage is not relevant to my question. I honestly don’t care about whether they are links, codes or words specifically (you don’t have to shout that), as it is a general question regarding stuff going off-site from semi off-site and why I’m unable to find this in the official rules.

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I’m pretty sure he’s just stating that roblox filters real words because they relate to a program. Doesn’t look directed at you.

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If by real word you mean Discord, it is a normal word. This isn’t filtered.

This word is filtered. The work around is d2scord. It’s an annoyance but on topic, they should unfilter it after a while.


Then it must have been filtered recently because some time ago someone said it just fine.

There is actually nothing regarding off-site links being posted… I honestly think this was only stated in the now, non-existent forums.

And, in the community guidelines… there isn’t anything about links at all

Why are rules, that aren’t listed visibly in the Terms of Service, or the Community Guidelines being harshly enforced?

The only things I found in the ToS itself is this;

There is nothing in the ToS or Community Guidelines specifically stating off-site links are not allowed

And in the “Roblox Privacy and Cookie Policy” this is all I found;

Why are we being punished for rules that we can’t even specifically find?

Nothing in anything that I linked specifically states that off-site links are not allowed. If anything, it gives users the impression that they are allowed, and that they need to be careful with what they click on.


The word “Discord” is not a link – IMO it shouldn’t be blocked any more than “Skype” or games for older players like “Skyrim”. It is blocked to make circumventing the rules more difficult, but at the cost of legitimate conversation.

The codes are attempts to bypass rules (no directing users offsite), so they are definitely against the rules, just as linking Imgur images as /asdasf.png is. If you’re going to ask for Roblox to change for the better, you should make requests that improve and only requests that improve Roblox (e.g. better clarification, better social tools, etc), rather than requesting loopholes.

Also, there are a lot of posts on this thread that need to be more civil. Know the difference between mistakes that Roblox is more than willing to resolve (lack of clarification in rules, etc) and intentional design that makes the site harder to use. Someone running around berating staff for innocent choices that lead to unintentional mistakes to the same level they do for intentional design is going to quickly lose the respect of anyone reading the thread with a level head.


I’m not trying to berate staff, be rude, etc I’m just asking genuine questions, because from my point of view as a user, there is no actual rules other than something a staff member said on the devforums, telling me I can’t post off-site links.

Which, for new users, is going to be really confusing as they get a warning/ban for something, that they never knew because it was never clearly defined in the actual rules.


It may be a stretch, but the way I read it from Roblox is that off-site links could put a child in an inappropriate situation, which is kinda explained in the rules under section 4:

  1. Child endangerment. We have users of all ages and we want to create safe environment for all of them, including children. So, we do not allow any actions that could put children in inappropriate or dangerous situations

Here, Roblox explains why Twitter, Twitch and Youtube are exceptions, as well as the Roblox site allows one to link its account to these services.

I do think it would be nice if the use of off-site links (including the 3 exceptions) are nicely written down to make it clear for any user that the use of off-site links falls under inappropriate content. The prohibition of off-site links is, in my opinion, one of the most known rule under veterans. Right now it’s rather unclear and could indeed lead to issues with new players.


What about not posting discord links but posting the invitation code instead?
Would that warrant a ban?
For example, instead of posting Discord you would post invitecodenumber.


This has already been answered. Put in group:Roblox_Staff in the search bar and check “Search this Topic” – you’ll get a list of every staff reply.

Here is the relevant one:

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If Discord links/codes are not permitted, why does nothing happen when I report abuse games/people that use them :upside_down_face:


Regarding permissible links, I don’t really know what was going on with all the ROBLOX YouTubers but I respect fairness and they are supporting the community. I only want people to watch this little extract where this guy got moderated for putting his Google Plus link in his profile…despite having a section to put it?

As a separate related matter, how can we allow facebook and google plus links in the profile section also if we can’t even use the link anywhere else?


What about if we ourselves do not post anything related to our discord on roblox, but have our discord invitation shown to discord members?

That way, people on the discord can share the link with their friends.

Would we still be moderated if that invitation is posted (by someone else) on the group/game/pms or any other way the players can communicate?

This is because < 13 users can see Facebook/Google+ links in descriptions/etc, but they’re hidden from them in the profile links. See here for more info.

Also, take what YouTubers say with a grain of salt – it’s a lot easier to build popularity by feeding anti-Roblox propaganda than providing useful content, so that community can be pretty toxic. At the part you linked, you’ll see that he was only warned – no real moderation action was taken. That was just a heads up about policy, and nothing was done to his account. Of course, presenting it as “Roblox is out to get YouTubers!!!” will get more views though, so that’s how it was presented.


I think I understand what you’re asking, but I’m not sure that I do.

You are only moderated for your actions on Roblox. You will only be moderated if you post the link/id. If someone else posts your Discord group or profile id on Roblox, then they will get moderated for it, not you. As long as you don’t post any Discord ids or links on Roblox, then you’re good.

The only possible exception to this that I can think of is when you have a game that allows players to build or create their own things, and they use it to share Discord ids. I’m not sure how that is handled. I know that you aren’t responsible for chats or wall posts of other users, but you might be responsible for content created by users in your game. You’ll have to ask Roblox Staff about that.

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That makes sense.

I was wondering about that because if someone else was to make a shout with the discord id, then they would be moderated, but I was wondering if the owner would be moderated too. If not, then I would see people abusing that flaw to shout discord ids.

Then again, it wouldn’t matter to me, because the people with the power to shout wouldn’t post the discord id on there. But that got me thinking about the group wall, since you could technically choose which people are able to post on the wall as well, just like the shout.

I’ll take your word for it since that’s what makes most sense to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t think a single occurrence of a Discord id being posted will result in moderation for the group or its owner.

If your group appears to be systemically posting Discord ids from various users in the shouts or on the wall – or anywhere, as a group – in an effort to evade moderation, then I can see your group being moderated. On the other hand, if it appears to be uncoordinated and random – just users being unaware of the rules – then I can see individual punishments per user being dealt out. Coordinated rule-breaking will be dealt with differently from individual rule-breaking.

Similarly, if you appear to be using alternative accounts to evade moderation when posting Discord ids, then you could be moderated for it.

As long as you don’t try to break the rules, you should be fine. Don’t encourage anyone to post Discord ids and when you see a shout or post on your group with an id, delete it. Ideally, put in your Discord server’s rules, “do not post our Discord id on Roblox”.

Last of all, this is not an official opinion from Roblox Staff – I don’t know what Roblox will actually do, but what I’ve stated seems reasonable to me given their past actions.


I don’t think this ‘legally’ needs to exist. Roblox can do whatever they want, it’s their platform, if they wanted to ban you for something that’s not on the rules I’m sure they could; there’d likely be outcry, but it’s still their platform and their property, they have no obligation to allow anyone to use it.


I need re-clarification; are we allowed to put our Discord/whatever appropriate links on our Twitter and link said post, or Twitter account, without being marked down?

twitter url / myusername / postid → On post, says “Come join the X Community Discord! discord url / discord code” → Post it to (group description)

That much is unclear to me. I’m scrolling through but I can’t seem to understand if this is the case or not. Some are saying its allowed, others not (but putting it on your bio is allowed? wouldn’t that be the same as linking a post?).